SUGGESTION: Foot dryer/Scale | Dyson Community

SUGGESTION: Foot dryer/Scale

  • 23 November 2022
  • 1 reply

This is just a suggestion;  the Dyson Co. seems quite innovative, and it occurred to me as I was using an Airblade V at a restaurant recently, that it would be awesome if I had one of these on the floor, maybe doubling as a weight scale, SO THAT…. each morning when I get out of the shower, and jump on the scale, I could dry my feet at the same time!

Then it occurred to me (as I was thinking about how nice that would be), that using warm air to remove the water and moisture from between toes, would actually help millions and millions of people prevent athletes foot.  It could actually provide a much needed health benefit for millions of people who suffer from that occasionally, or even regularly.

Towels are generally too thick to easily daub water and moisture out from between toes, and I SUSPECT…  I’m not the only one that finds this to be the case.  HOWEVER…  if I had a device similar to the Airblade that was on the floor, and could step on that each AM for a minute or two, the WARM air would be sufficient to take ALL the moisture out, and eliminate the opportunity for athletes foot at the same time.

AND… if you’re standing there waiting for that to finish, may as well get your weight taken, and perhaps even send that data to be tracked on a SmartPhone app?  Not sure if there is other medical data that could be taken at the same time, but I did see an advert for a device that takes a cardiogram using your fingers, with a WiFi input device connected to a SmartPhone.  What if you could do that same thing, only using your feet to obtain a cardiogram?  OR… blood sugar level?  OR…??????  OR…???

If your going to stand there for a couple mins (waiting for your toes to dry), may as well get a check-up and log the data for reference.  That kind of data is best, if tracked over the month or a year, or more even.  Then, you can chart that data out, and see how it’s changing.  THAT… would also be a health benefit, knowing how you’re changing over time, OR… if something changes radically, you can go have that checked out right now!


ANYWHOSER…  just an idea.  I thought Dyson might be receptive, so…  it was worth a couple mins to stop by and drop you all a line.


(Edited by moderator – Tags added) 

Stuart 1 year ago

Hi @Deslatte

Thanks for sharing your suggestion with the wider community.

While we love hearing feedback on Dyson technology, unfortunately we can’t accept idea submissions, or look at any inventions from a third party. This could lead to misunderstandings, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate we have to be very cautious, especially in terms of intellectual property.

Here at Dyson, we have a 6,000 strong engineering team busy developing a pipeline of new Dyson technology stretching 25 years into the future.

I’m sorry that we can’t help you further this time round, but we do wish you the best of luck with your ideas! 



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Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @Deslatte

Thanks for sharing your suggestion with the wider community.

While we love hearing feedback on Dyson technology, unfortunately we can’t accept idea submissions, or look at any inventions from a third party. This could lead to misunderstandings, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate we have to be very cautious, especially in terms of intellectual property.

Here at Dyson, we have a 6,000 strong engineering team busy developing a pipeline of new Dyson technology stretching 25 years into the future.

I’m sorry that we can’t help you further this time round, but we do wish you the best of luck with your ideas! 

