Lamp turning on and off by itself | Dyson Community
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The lamp initially performed admirably, but within a year, I encountered significant issues. It began to switch on and off unpredictably. Despite a repair attempt, the malfunction recurred within months. A replacement lamp was provided, but it too failed within a year, coinciding with the warranty's expiration. Dyson declined further repairs or replacements, offering only a modest discount for a new purchase on their website. This level of service is unacceptable, especially for a product costing £500. Moreover, several of my friends have reported similar problems around the 1-2 year mark. 

Why is Dyson only offering a 2 year warranty on a product they know has issues?

Why is Dyson not offering to fix out of curtosy?

Do Dyson really think people want to spend £500 on a lamp that is know to last about 2-3 years?

Hi @Ak123 . Sorry to hear that your experiencing issues with your Dyson lightcycle. It is very unusual for these products to malfunction however this does not mean that you will have no support. Please confirm how long it runs before it turns off? Also, please advise if the lamp is on Sleep mode? With Sleep mode, it reduces the brightness for 30 minutes. It helps to calm down and prepares your body for restful sleep. The motion sensor is switched off in this mode so this possibly could be the reason for your issue. 

I am also having the same issue and was told it will cost me for a repair. If it is a known issue I find it hard to pay an additional €90 when I’ve already paid over €500, surely if it’s a fault then Dyson should have recalled the lamps to fix it them when the issue was found…

Hi @Ak123 . Sorry to hear that your experiencing issues with your Dyson lightcycle. It is very unusual for these products to malfunction however this does not mean that you will have no support. Please confirm how long it runs before it turns off? Also, please advise if the lamp is on Sleep mode? With Sleep mode, it reduces the brightness for 30 minutes. It helps to calm down and prepares your body for restful sleep. The motion sensor is switched off in this mode so this possibly could be the reason for your issue. 

The run time varies but it usually turns itself on and off every few minutes which makes itself unusable. The lamp is not on sleep mode. I am not prepared to pay dyson to fix one of their known issues. I expect this to be fixed out of curtosy.

Hi Dyson team - given this appears to be a recurring and known issue with the Light/SolarMorph series of lights, can I ask what Dyson’s plan is to resolve this issue moving forwards please?

The LightMorph I own has begun to do this now, and searching on the internet there are many users reporting the same issue, which seems to stem from an issue with the Power Supply Unit:

I don’t believe it is a sustainable approach to expect customers to purchase a new PSU every couple of years for the light?