Travel: Can I use my Dyson Airstrait™ straightener, Dyson Airwrap™ multi-styler or Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer abroad/overseas? | Dyson Community

Travel: Can I use my Dyson Airstrait™ straightener, Dyson Airwrap™ multi-styler or Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer abroad/overseas?

  • 19 December 2022
  • 30 replies
Travel:  Can I use my Dyson Airstrait™ straightener, Dyson Airwrap™ multi-styler or Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer abroad/overseas?
Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Can I  use my Dyson Airwrap™ multi-styler, Dyson Airstrait™ straightener, Dyson Supersonic™, Dyson Supersonic r™ or Dyson Supersonic Nural™ hair dryer abroad/overseas?


The Dyson Airwrap™ multi-styler, Dyson Supersonic™, Dyson Supersonic r™ and Dyson Supersonic Nural™ hair dryers, and Dyson Airstrait™ straightener, have been precisely engineered for use with the standard voltage of the country they were purchased in.

Using any of these machines in a country where the voltage range differs to the country of purchase could result in permanent damage being caused. A machine manufactured for use in one country may become inoperable in another. Please follow the guidance on usage in the guarantee section of your User guide.

The only device in our hair care range that is currently rated for universal use is our Dyson Corrale™ straightener. This has been engineered for travel, and styling on the go.

Your Dyson guarantee is valid in the country of purchase, and covers failures due to manufacturing faults. This wouldn’t extend to relocating to another country, or using the machine on a voltage it wasn’t engineered to work with.



  • Australia
  • China
  • Egypt
  • Europe
  • Greenland
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom



  • Canada
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Taiwan
  • USA


Can I use an adaptor, convertor or electrical transformer?


We advise against using your Dyson hair care machine in another country with an adaptor, converter or transformer. As we haven’t manufactured or tested the adaptor ourselves, we can’t be confident of its quality or safety, and we can’t guarantee it won’t cause permanent damage to your Dyson machine. For this reason, any damage caused by using your machine with a converter or adaptor may not be covered under the terms of your Dyson guarantee.


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30 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Can I use an adaptor or an electrical convertor?

“We don’t suggest the use of an adaptor or converter to use your device in another country...”

...good to know.  Thanks for the info, Stuart.  :) 


Userlevel 6
Badge +11

Hi @kessi,

Thanks for your question!

Where the voltage of the country you purchased from and the country you’re travelling to are the same, your machine should work as normal. But please note, we don’t recommend using a travel adaptor with your machine as we can’t guarantee it won’t cause damage. As the adaptor hasn’t been manufactured or tested by Dyson, we’re not in a position to offer any assurances around its safety, quality or functionality. For this reason, we have to advise that any damage caused as a result of using a travel adaptor may not be covered under your Dyson guarantee - so any repair or replacement parts needed in future could be chargeable.

I hope this helps with your decision-making!

@Stuart Hello Stuart! I read your post about using Dyson airwrap abroad and I see that Dyson don’t recommend to use the machine in countries with different voltages. But what about the plugs? I mean for example I have Dyson airwrap with Chinese plug (voltage in China is 220), can I use it with plug adapter in Spain where the voltage is the same but the plug is different?

Userlevel 4

@Ineta I said it before and I will say it again, this isn’t new! They’ve never guaranteed use internationally, on any of their products, they just don’t plaster it all over their products!

If you read the fine print in the manual, they have a line that absolves them of any responsibility in case the machine malfunctions. You use it overseas at your own risk! 

If you wanted to use it, you might want to investigate a step up converter. This changes the local voltage into a higher one for use with electrical products purchased overseas.

I am so upset I could cry😢 when you bought my Dyson Airwrap (saved and got it brand new) nowhere did it state that it only works in the country I purchased it in. I got it so I could take it with me when I move to America later this year and come to find out I cannot do that.. it’s so upsetting that Dyson is keeping that under wraps so to speak.. it should be all over the Airwrap page… now I’m out £600 and can’t use it.. honestly.. I don’t know what to do.. is there anything I can do to make it work in the states?

With all due respect, the response from the Dyson representative is an insult. I bought my Dyson in South America and now am living in Spain - we were excited to use our products here only to find out that they don’t function abroad and the response from Dyson is, “We would recommend purchasing another model...” That is not a solution - that is sleezy and inappropriate towards the consumer. I am incredibly disappointed. I invested in this product and brand due to its quality and efficiency; unfortunately, the lack of information provided related to international usage or incompatibility with converters does not make me want to buy another Dyson product again. 

This is a total let down as every other hair dryer and styler I’ve own has been dual voltage for ages! We are paying a premium price for these products and this should not even be a conversation - these products should be dual voltage.

Userlevel 4

I’ve spent thousands of dollars because I love Dyson’s technology, starting from their vacuums, airwrap and now the airstrait. I am overseas in South Korea and brought my newly purchased airstrait, only to find out that it does not work with the adaptor. I am so shocked and confused after reading the other threads regarding this issue and that the Dyson still has not fixed this issue. 

I am really hoping that Dyson will invent an adaptor that can fit our devices because I absolutely love my airwrap and airstrait!!!! PLEASE DYSON HELP YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!! WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR YOUR DEVICES!!! 


Hate to break it to you, this isn’t new! They’ve never guaranteed use internationally, they just don’t plaster it all over their products! Read the user manual, they have a line that absolves them of any responsibility in case the machine malfunctions. You use it overseas at your own risk! 

I’ve spent thousands of dollars because I love Dyson’s technology, starting from their vacuums, airwrap and now the airstrait. I am overseas in South Korea and brought my newly purchased airstrait, only to find out that it does not work with the adaptor. I am so shocked and confused after reading the other threads regarding this issue and that the Dyson still has not fixed this issue. 

I am really hoping that Dyson will invent an adaptor that can fit our devices because I absolutely love my airwrap and airstrait!!!! PLEASE DYSON HELP YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!! WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR YOUR DEVICES!!! 


Userlevel 1

I cannot overstate how disappointed I am right now.
I’m leaving for the UK next week on my first post-pan trip and received my new Air Wrap a couple days ago. Leading up to the purchase I kept flipping back through the info trying to find where it talked about travel.. and could never locate it. I assumed I was just missing something and that like All of my Professional salon appliances, my computers, and peripherals from the past Decade it would obviously be dual voltage with a simple switch somewhere on the device. However, upon unboxing.. nothing of the sort was found. So I came all the way to Dyson’s website and started hunting for a travel set direct from them. Some adapter or accessory that I apparently still needed, and found nothing. Googling got me these forums and for a moment there was fleeting hope with this Conair converter. Spoiler alert- the Amazon reviews specifically mention it not working with Dyson. This turned into a theme as I browsed through other high wattage converters. smh. So now.. I have a very heavy bright blue box of basically worthless expensive metal. (best bday ever, right?) 
Also, the -..ope.. sorry, that’s all we’ve got for ya- attitude I’m feeling from the ‘reps’ who’ve interacted isn’t exactly helping guys. I understand you aren’t decision makers. What I’m asking is for you to flag this issue, open the tickets, inform your bosses and let the right people know. Please. Because what All of your hair appliance customers are encountering right now is an issue that should not have existed to begin with. And like, I get it- 1st world problems- but honestly, this tech is Not New and None of us spent $600 on a dryer/iron hybrid to leave darn thing at home- Ever.

Hi every one, 

I have bought 2 set of Dyson (Dyson Air Wrap Multi styler Complete Long & Dyson Supersonic Shine Hair Dryer) from Japan to bring to Canada. 

The Air Wrap can work nicely but the Supersonic can not work. 

Can anyone help to explain why? 

Thank you so much!

Google shows the appliances should work for the most part. 

Check the voltage on the label, you may need to try a step-up or step-down converter.

Hi every one, 

I have bought 2 set of Dyson (Dyson Air Wrap Multi styler Complete Long & Dyson Supersonic Shine Hair Dryer) from Japan to bring to Canada. 

The Air Wrap can work nicely but the Supersonic can not work. 

Can anyone help to explain why? 

Thank you so much!


France and Korea is 220V , which means that it is similar with UK, not America. 

It is possible, right? 


Hi, i bought my Dyson airwrap in Thailand(220v) and can’t use it in US(110V). Anyone in the same situation? Test successfully any voltage converter. 

Userlevel 1

i’ll be travelling with my 220v airwrap to korea - does this mean I will be able to use it there with a regular travel adaptor?

A “regular” adapter is very unlikely. These are high wattage devices and travel adapters generally aren’t designed for that kind of load.

You can buy adapters that are high wattage, and they should work fine.

I’ve tried to email, WhatsApp and no answers to date. I love the AirStrait, is it released in UK, Europe? If not when??? 

i’ll be travelling with my 220v airwrap to korea - does this mean I will be able to use it there with a regular travel adaptor?

Hi! I have an airwrap I bought in Singapore. Am wondering if I can use this in Korea with just an international adaptor? 

Userlevel 1

DYSON - YOU’VE HEARD THE PEOPLE 👆🏻 give us what we want and make it dual voltage.

Dual voltage technology is NOT new and it feels like you’re just trying to rip us off by making us buy multiple air wraps for each country we need to use it in. Support your loyal customers better. 

Userlevel 1

Posted on the 11 February 2023.


Thank for asking the question. 

I understand the points you've raised in your post, but there's not a lot further we can add to the information we've already provided here, I'm afraid.

Dyson machines are engineered to the specifications needed for the countries they're originally sold in. We don't manufacture adaptors or test third party products of this kind, and for this reason we're not in a position to confirm whether or not specific brands or models of adaptor will or will not work with Dyson machines. Additionally, any damage caused to your machine while using it with an adaptor wouldn't be covered under your Dyson warranty - because of this, we advise against using them.

I'm sorry if this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but hope at least this clarifies the situation and offers you some definitive information on this topic. I can only apologise if you were previously offered incorrect information via our live chat service, and we will review this with the relevant team.




Respectfully, your response is a cop out.  Which is fine for a $16 hair dryer, but not for a $600 hair dryer. People travel internationally with much more sensitive electronics all the time. Laptops, cell phones, etc. In fact, 

There are devices that can make the proper conversions, and do so without any risk to a well designed piece of equipment. A prime example is the transformer on your nearby telephone phone which converts 7200V (Yes, seven thousand volts) to 120V (USA). And every device in your house runs on this “converter”.

It my case, I bought an industrial 120V to 100V step down transformer. It delivers the exact same 100V output voltage that is found in Japan. My Dyson is 60hz, as is the US grid.  My xformer can handle 1500w continuous, and my device needs ~1400W.  It’s a stupid simple device.  120xN windings in, 100xN windings out. Any electrical engineer in your company will tell you that there is absolutely no reason that using it should void any warranty. 

What Dyson should do (if they value their reputation as a premium company) is this:
a) Test and publish a list of approved converters.
b) Make the external powerpack (Airwrap) removable and sell ones for various countries.

If you want to be a premium brand, act like one.



WoodenMan - I must disagree with #1 and 4 on your list. I travel EVERYWHERE with my Dyson - short or long trips. It's how I ‘do’ my hair. Also, as stated in all the replies above other hair dryers have solved it or created a converter to use.

I was just looking at converters for all my electronics for an upcoming trip overseas and was shocked to hear my Dyson won't work!! UGH!!!

There are points here that I agree with and those that I disagree on:

  1. Dyson have missed a somewhat ‘small’ opportunity to those that travel internationally. The majority of those that travel do so for short spells. Most I bet won’t want to do so will a $500 piece of technology. Those that do, you’ll have to come up with another alternative. 
  2. Dyson haven’t lied about the use of their products. They don’t recommend international travel. Yes, they may have missed the consume expectation, but they’ve not promised one thing and delivered on another.
  3. Dyson are always innovating, proven by their recently released Airstraite, there’s been no statement or confirmation that this isn’t on the horizon. It won’t be on their existing product range. You’ll most likely have to purchase a replacement or new product. 
  4. If it’s so easy to solve why hasn’t anyone else done it or why doesn’t someone present the solution to them? 
Userlevel 1

Agree.  Someone in brand management screwed up by not prioritizing the ability to use this product in diffèrent voltage settings.  This can easily be achieved either through the appliance itself with a switching mechanism, or through the power supply (I.e. laptop computers).  If Dyson doesn’t fix this soon, a competitor will enter…and maybe notice other opportunities to chip away at the Dyson brand by copying some of the technology and make them

more consumer centric (I.e. Dyson Zone Headphones). And maybe more importantly, customers will begin to question the equity of the Dyson brand, because this product clearly misses a significant consumer need that’s relatively easy to solve. 

Userlevel 1

DLM eloquently said my thoughts exactly. With the amount of people who have the same complaints, you would think this would have been addressed ages ago. Also, it’s a relatively easy solution if Dyson let customers purchase the wand separately in the appropriate voltage, so that we can switch out the wand as needed when we travel. Then there’s no need to mess with the mechanics. I have an impractical amount of Dyson products in my home from vacuums, air purifiers, the straightener (which is international travel friendly - so obviously they’re able to do it), and of course the Airwrap. 

The frustration of not being able to use my Airwrap overseas is so extreme that I’m tempted to ban Dyson purchases going forward out of principal. It’s hard not to take it as a blatant disregard for customer service when the solution seems so easy. 

Dyson~ I’m open to hearing why this issue still hasn’t been rectified. Why can’t I just purchase a 220V wand while living in the U.S.? 

Userlevel 1

You know what the kind of people who can afford a $600 hair dryer do?  Travel internationally.

Dyson’s electrical engineers are capable of solving this problem, so it’s disappointing there is no solution available for purchase from Dyson.

My wife’s Airwrap was purchased in the US.  She is traveling to Germany and the UK next week and wants to use her beloved Airwrap.

I was just on chat at, where a live agent told me to buy the Conair Convert-It-All Converter and Adapter Set.  Conair claims it is compatible with “high-end electronic styling tools and hair dryers”.


So we have Stuart, Dyson’s Community Manager, saying “we don’t suggest the use” of converters.  And we have a live chat support person saying to use Conair’s converter.


Can anyone, ideally a Dyson employee who has definitive knowledge rather than an educated guess, please tell me whether my wife’s US/110V Airwrap will work in UK/German hotels with the Conair Convert-It-All?


Thank you! 

I could not agree more with the opening sentence of this post!! I hope you get a better answer than I did from them. Since purchasing my $550 Dyson Airwrap Complete in Florida a few years ago, I have scoured the internet trying to find any such way to use my device in Europe. I love the results of my Airwrap, but it has been VERY frustrating that I have not been able to use it in places where I need it the most (London and Scotland rain and humidity = poodle hair).  I’ve even written to the company (with no response) about the fact that any target customer base that would spend that much for a hair tool, would also be the one most likely to travel abroad. It is ridiculous that less expensive brands can figure out how to offer dual voltage, but Dyson with their touted technical designers cannot (more likely will not) do so. For example, Conair has a highly rated dual voltage hair dryer for just $36 that can automatically detect foreign voltage and adjust itself. Babybliss has been able to figure out how to make dual voltage hair tools, as well as T3 and many other less known brands. Why has Dyson STILL not prioritized dual voltage for their hair tools?? Since purchasing my Airwrap I’ve traveled to London, Scotland, France, and Rome, and was not able to use it. I check Dyson’s website periodically to see if they’ve addressed or corrected this issue, but it seems they have no intention of ever doing so. I was sure that when they “updated” and “redesigned” the Dyson Airwrap this year that they finally had a version with dual voltage, and was floored that, despite this being a top complaint from their customers, they chose to omit the issue entirely. I can’t even just buy the “new, redesigned” long hair attachments, as they’ve been listed as “out of stock” since release, but I could sure order a whole new $550 Dyson Airwrap Complete….which also could still only be used in the US. Honestly, if you’re going to market yourself as a high-end company and charge luxury prices, you should also learn to treat your customers accordingly. The only response and advice I was ever given by a Dyson representative  regarding my dual voltage issue with the Airwrap was “Though your US Airwrap will not work in Europe, you can purchase an additional Dyson Airwrap while in Europe that will work in the US with an outlet adapter”. Yeah, if we spent so much on a hair tool, then we surely must be made of money….”just have the butler put it over in the corner of my mansion along with my Bugatti La Voiture Noire and Ducati.”

To add insult to injury, by the end of my first year of purchase, it started cutting off at least 4 times each time I use it with no apparent reason, even with constant filter checking and cleaning. I’m not even running it long enough to overheat before it shuts off and I have to shake it to get it going again! Performance started to deteriorate just past the warranty period as much as all of the 6 Dyson vacuum cleaners I’ve purchased throughout the years, including my most recent one, which is still under 2 year warranty but its expensive dysfunctional attachment is not. They warn against using any power converters because it will “void the warranty”, but every Dyson product of mine seems to have not performed well or lasted for very long outside of that 1-2 year warranty anyway. Maybe I’ll just get the Conair power converter/ adapter mentioned above and try it on my upcoming London trip. It may blow the device, but it seems I’ll soon need a new device anyway, which apparently has to be bought in the UK in order to use it in both the US and abroad. I’ll just lose extra money on currency conversion to rebuy the outrageously expensive hair tool that I just purchased in 2020. Maybe I’ll just start looking for a knock-off or a dup of the Airwrap, it may even work better. If I do try the Conair Converter, I’ll be sure to post the outcome on this thread. 


