Why won't my Dyson 360 Vis Nav robot return to its dock? | Dyson Community

Why won't my Dyson 360 Vis Nav robot return to its dock?

  • 27 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi. We have just bought a Vis360 but it can’t seem to dock. We have followed all instructions correctly . It goes back to dock and then manoeuvres round it but doesn’t connect up until battery dies l!! Please help 🙈

(Moderation edit - title updated)

3 replies

We are having the same problem, have has the 360 for about 3 months almost never makes it back to base, about to take it back and get a dream

We sent ours back- they sent a replacement and it did the same and also constantly stopped working when it bumped into things!!! Sent back now for a full refund. So disappointed with it- the actual vacuum capability of it was good we have always used Dyson but nothing else. So overpriced. 

yes agree the vacuum works so well, but never makes back to base, we also have a dream and it works flawlessly, im about to apply for refund as well
