Dyson robot vacuums
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Our latest software release for the Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum (RB03PR. includes the following updates:Learns and prioritises high dust areas:Makes them a priority and automatically increases suction.Cleaning and reliability improvements:Smoother motion. More accurate dock detection and navigation.Better experience:Battery level displayed on the main menu. Mapping and zoning guidance for new owners.To make sure you’re always fully benefitting from the latest software and features, we’d recommend enabling automatic updates for your robot within the MyDyson™ app. Updates will then occur when your robot is inactive, docked, and connected to Wi-Fi. To see if your robot’s software has already been upgraded, check for update RB03PR. in your robot’s settings within the MyDyson™ app.
In this article we take a look at just how to get started with the Robot vacuums.We’ve collated a ‘Getting Started’ video for each of these models. These videos are designed to help you become familiar with your robot, whilst covering the unboxing, assembly, operation, power functions, and the process of emptying the clear plastic bin.To get started, simply click on the videos below. Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum Dyson 360 Heurist™️ robot vacuum Dyson 360 Eye™️ robot vacuum If you wanted to ask a specific question or need help with setting up your machine, why not post a questions to our community of owners. The best place to do this is in our Ask the Community forum.For a closer look at how these vacuums operate, include videos on using the dock, vacuum maintenance and cleaning advice, visit the Dyson YouTube channel.
PS:Correct title; `Detection of Air Flow Obstructed and Sensors Blocked Having Been Fixed`(Editing the title I saw no option for.)During cleaning just now another message appeared, `Drop Sensors Obscured.` But after cleaning those, using a camera lens blower, and turning the device back on its wheels, `Continue` appeared.Hello, when the “Airflow Obstructed” or “Sensors Blocked” message appears, and it has been fixed, I see no other option than to power the device down and restart it again from the same spot it was on, and from there it seems to continue were it left off.On the latest map I see that the last part it just cleaned is smaller than the previous part made just before this last cleaning run until it stopped to have the airflow or the sensors cleaned. So I suppose it continued to only finish off the rest.It seems to work fine just powering down via the screen on the cleaner, and starting it again. But just as the sensors sense obstructions of air flow and blockages of sensors
To keep things brief, I am having an issue connecting my 360 eye to the MyDyson app. I have been told at least 5 times, after going over the same troubleshooting steps that are posted online (more than once), that the customer service representative that I was speaking to was unable to help, and that someone would call me within 48 hours to help me resolve my issue. Each time I never heard from anyone. From what I've read online, It sounds like the Robot's history needs to be cleared, but I'm not able to reach anyone who even knows how to get me in touch with someone who can do that. Can you please help? Pretty please? Does anyone have a secret backend way to do this/
Bought a HD15 in Japan and does not work in the U.S., it shutdowns immediately when I plugged in. The salesperson in Japan told me it would work in the U.S but apparently it doesn’t. Any suggestions? option 1 -return in japanOption 2- trade in U.S. for US modelany other suggestions to make it work?
There are 4 Dyson products in my house. I would now like to leave a review of one of them. The product is Dyson 360 Eye™ robot . Amazing machine. It works perfectly, it is not noisy. Cleans all the dirt in the house. Never once had any errors. Everything is just perfect! A huge thank you to the Dyson team. You guys are great.
is anyone else waiting for these batteries to get back into stock?
So am on my 5th one since Nov 29 - 2 of which never arrived thanks to DPD. All 3 that came have had the same issue - despite multiple mappings they just give up during a clean and stop without any resumption being offered or returning to the dock. All have been charged and I have tried with with just a single room mapped to make it easier (and different rooms). Have followed instructions to the letter, ensured good lighting and rooms prepared. The impression is of a well engineered powerful machine with terrible software / firmware / navigation that is closer to an alpha rather than a beta evolution with buyers being asked to do the R&D. Is am a Dyson advocate over many years but this is shocking for a £1200 machine. I chose Dyson over the competitors because of past excellence and after sales service but am thankful I can return this within 90 days (although have so far lost 21 of them due to none appearance of replacements thanks to DPD.Anyone any insight that may sort this or
Hi, I’m on my second 360 vis and I’ve done a lot of homework/troubleshooting regarding the lift sensor false errors. I’ve already adjusted the lift sensitivity to lowest setting, cleaned sensors multiple times and unfortunately I’m still having an issue with floor vents and multicolored area rugs.It’d be nice if we had a software update that could minimize these false lift alarms. It’s kinda hard to put a restricted area around every floor vent within the house. II’m experimenting with modifying the floor vent covers with some carbon filters to help mitigate this issue. However, I currently don’t have a fix for the multi colored area rug false lift alarms. other than the false alarms, the Vis does a very good job of cleaning the area. Some software tweaks and some app upgrades pertaining to voice control capabilities would be nice. More specifically, assigning routines for cleaning specific zones, being able to reset a false lift sensor alarm remotely etc.
I put this in “Questions” as well hoping for suggestions.I am really struggling to like by Vis Vav 360, and I LOVE all other Dyson’s I’ve purchased. Issues:My Dyson Vis Nav 360 does not clean like the demo video in a nice straight line. It wanders aimlessly and misses spots. It may get the spot the next day, it may not. It certainly doesn’t track walls in a straight line nor go all the way up to a straight surface and clean until it bumps the end of that “road.” It seems to approach walls and items at an angle and stops short of them then turns. Sometimes it completely skips rooms. Sometimes it doesn’t clean at all that day but with no intervention does clean the nest day. Sometimes it wanders around not vacuuming at all for a bit. Just drives around the house like a spy! LOL! The clean takes twice as long or more as my old shark and typically cannot clean the house on one charge. My house isn’t big and part is inaccessible to this robot vac due to a step down. There is probably about
Around last October we called Dyson because we were getting a fault message on our robot vacuum which indicated that we needed to contact them. Dyson arranged for the robot to be collected on 30 November, and since we didn’t hear anything from Dyson subsequent to the courier, DPD, picking up our robot, we called Dyson again in December. Essentially, we’ve been been exchanging emails / calls ever since. It appears that the robot was lost in transit and we’ve been without a vacuum for around 2 months. We’ve reached a point where this continues to go around in circles and we’re becoming increasingly frustrated. We spoke to customer service and they can clearly see that on the DPD site track.dpd.co.uk it says “Your parcel is at our Peterborough Depot” - therefore it is with DPD. They’ve escalated this numerous times, but we didn’t get a call back.This whole process was organised by Dyson through DPD, and Dyson has to take responsibility for the fact that we've returned our robot at Dy
How do we suggest modifications to the application? I would like to request a method to ask the robot to move to next zone during a clean Steve
Received a “survey” request in my email today from Dyson. They asked one question that asked who bought and uses my machine. I have bought 3 Dyson vacuums for myself, two for my mother-in-law, a Dyson Robot and 2 Dyson stick vacuums (some people it takes a while to learn). I recently called on my latest vacuum and they told me they would send someone to come look at my machine in the customer service department, that was after I contacted customer service twice. The second time was the week of December 9th. Still, nobody has come to look at my machine and nobody has called. The survey said for filling out the survey I would get 20% off. Right now, you couldn’t give me a Dyson. I have a Shark that works great and was much less, even if it does need to get replaced within five years like I’ve been doing with Dysons. Also, with my Dysons, I would sweep and I would then steam vac my carpets. With my Dyson, I would always have piles of dog hair that the Dyson missed, but with th
Today, I observed a squeaky wheel on the rear of my Dyson Vis Nav Robot Vacuum Cleaner. This issue is distinct from the two large rubber wheels located at the front of the device. The affected wheel is one of the smaller plastic wheels situated at the back. I have determined the specific side of the wheel that is causing the squeaking sound.Could you please provide guidance on the most effective solution to address this problem?
Hello. I bought a robot vacuum cleaner from Dyson Berlin when I went on holiday in February. I returned to Turkey, the vacuum cleaner started to give me problems from the first day. I sent it to Dyson Turkey because they told me it had an international warranty when I bought it. Dyson Turkey decided that the product had a motherboard fault and issued a destruction order. They sent me a new product. However, this product has also had problems since the day it arrived. I took a video and sent the product to service again. They issued a refund order for the product. However, since I bought the product from Germany, they told me that they could not refund the money from here and that I should contact them. I cannot find anyone who can solve my problem. The first time I sent the product, it was under warranty for 1.5 months. The second time I sent it, it was with them for 3 months. I have not been able to use the product since the day I bought it and I cannot get my money back. Please, I re
Since we still cannot zone our house because of the lack of diagonal room dividers in the Dyson app, can we suggest that Dyson create a self-emptying base, just like the ones for the Roomba? I’d actually pay extra for this as an add-on to the Vis Nav...with its small bin, and the lack of room dividers, we have to babysit the Vis Nav and wait for it to get full multiple times while cleaning the combo kitchen/dining/living room in our house.It was shortsighted for Dyson in this day and age to put out a robot vacuum that cannot empty itself. If you’d got all that suction, you’re sure to get a lot more stuff vacuumed up, and have to empty the bin more often. Please add this as a request...surely this could happen in 2025?
I have just unpacked and set up my brand new machine. It has successfully connected to wifi. Says place on dock, it is on dock, battery not connected, robot temperature too high. It won’t even start. Software updates fail. Shattered! What am I missing?
Hi,there is a Dyson video showing how to use a phone for mapping. But it shows only making a mapping for one floor, not also one for a second floor.“Mapping and zoning your home with your Dyson 360 Vis Nav™ robot vacuum”I wonder how making a mapping for a second floor is done via the phone. And how both would show up separately on the phone, so one can select cleaning each one individually.Special request:The phone is held a bit too distant from the camera for me to discern the font when the lady scrolls down on it. So it would be helpful if a video were made and uploaded showing individual mappings and what that looks like on a phone, preferably with the phone held closer to the camera, (and just as steadily held as the one shown).😊
Creating a separate topic, as the previous one was marked as ‘solved' Bought this robot 21 December.After a recent update (005 I think? At least that's my current robot firmware) the robot started to die mid-clean, “Couldn't connect” in the app, totally looks like a software crash. If I then press the LCD screen button, it powers on, and I can ask it to continue to clean. It is obviously not a solution, as I want it to clean the house while I'm away. It happens sometimes after 2 mins, sometimes 5 or 10. No correlation with places. And it worked fine for the first week or so! Also not sure if it is related, but if I send it to clean a particular bedroom, it cannot do it and comes back to dock saying “couldn't complete the clean”. However if I send it to clean hallway, bathroom and the same bedroom, it manages to find it ok. That's been the case for a while, and is not bothering me as much (I'm using auto anyway), but might help with the investigation. So far what I've done:1. re-map2. r
My new vis nav asks me to clean optics after every clean. I have followed instructions and used a microfibre cloth all over the machine. I have also used a gentle blower to ensure anything that the cloth misses (like dog hair) is moved away from the sensors. Nothing seems to work. My vis nav is less than a month old.
Hey all,While I was naming my rooms, I mistakenly selected the wrong room for a bathroom. Is there any way I can rename it without having to remap the entire house?
I’m a huge fan of Dyson products and have long wanted a robot vacuum to help clean the floors in my home. Once Dyson released their newest robot vacuum, I was excited to potentially purchase the product but reluctant once I saw the price. I’d like to take advantage of Black Friday/Cyber Monday pricing, but the online reviews are not convincing. Owners, was the purchase worth it? I’d love to get feedback from this community on if the product is actually worth the money. Thanks in advance for your wisdom and insights!