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I simply want to make a comment about the great engineering of a Dyson product that I have.  Dyson makes is almost impossible to do that.  I have to create an account.  I have to put in a user name,  I have to create a password.  I have to create an account.  I have to activate that account.  I have to call my topic a conversaion or an article.  I do not want a conversation or discussion.  Ijust want to say something good about the Dyson product.  Whoever creates this site is nuts.  Now I have tllo create a description.  Then it looks like I have to create or select a sub forum.  Then I have to select some tags.  Then I see that maybe I can Create a topic.  Whoever created this site is not one of your engineers who knows anything about solving problems.  He/she makes it difficult for me to give Dyson a plug regarding their exceptiona engineering.l  I have wasted hours on this attempting to seect the correct thing and it is never what I want.  I hate surveys that give you severals answers for one to select and none of them applies. l  That is what this site is like.  If I had not gotten an email from you I would have dropped this before now.  As  it is, lI will attempt to select the proper answers below.  Probably now will apply.  Is there going to be one about good comments about Dyson?  I doubt it.


(Moderation Edit - Tags Added/Title & Category Updated)

As I stated in the DESCRIPTION, there was nothing to select to give a little praise to Dyson.  Very unfortunate.  I thought this was a company that was doing things right.  This is probably one of the worst sites I have ever been on for leaving a comment and I have been using computers for over 50 years--even years before the IBM Personal Computer.

Anyway, here is what I wanted to say initially before I got into this terribly organized site!!!


I am very impressed with the DC41 vacuum cleaner that I have.  Over the years I have “fixed” or “changed” many devices that I have had that did not work as they should have.  The Dyson vacuum is so great.  First of all it is made of very good materials.  Unlike a carpet cleaner that I purchased about 4 years ago.  The first time I used it, it worked fine.   The second time I used it I went across the carpet once and it was leaking water all over.  After I looked into the reason for that it was that the pump was leaking.  It was made of some fragile, easily breakable plastic and the four points where the screws were screwed into were broken off,  There was no way to repair it.  The wrong type of plastic was used.  The part could not be removed and simply replaced.  Several hundred dollars was not too much to pay for a carpet cleaner if it were to last 5 or 10 years, but once cleaning my carpets and I had to throw it out.

The Dyson, is completely disassembleable (if that is a word).  You can take anything apart and clean the part or repair what is wrong or get a new part.  That is all I ask of devices I purchase.  It is so simple and so obvious what has to be done and all the pieces fit so well into the design that makes that work well.  There is no plastic molding holding parts together that must come apart to clean or fix the device.  I would be willing to pay a lot more for things if I knew they were created this way.  It is what I would like, but what one seldom gets.  I purchases a fork a few years ago and they first time I used it two welds broke and made it worthless for the operation I purchased it for.  Since I ordered it online and it was a long fork it would have cost the entire purchase price to send it back.  Since I do not own a welder it would also cost the purchase price to have a couple of those welds redone.  Again my Dyson vacuum is completely different than that and I am so appreciative that someone cares enough to produce great products.  It is so nice to know when it stops for some reason that I can easily take it apart to clean it or repair it.  In fact, being a “fixer, I enjoy taking it apart and finding all the little things your engineers have done to make it easy to fix the things that I do wrong to cause it to need “fixing” or repair.  Thank you to the leadership at your company who believes this is the way to buid things and the engineers who carry out those objectives.

Dennis Singstock

I fail to see the point of this post. You’ve create a post, to complain about creating a post. I assume this isn’t your first time a community forum of any kind, if it is, this is most certainly the standard. 

Everything is optional, barring the place you post it, the title and body text. Again, standard. The more you add, the more you’re likely to get feedback/interaction on. Commonsensical

I suggest giving this a read over ...