is there a way to speak to someone higher than customer support? | Dyson Community
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I have been on the phone with Dyson customer support since 4:01pm, it is now 5:54pm. I spoke to 4 different people. ¾ of them were extremely rude to me & gave me no answer. 

I ordered a corrolle straightener in November as a Christmas gift, it didn't work so i called Dyson & it was supposed to get exchanged. I sent back the Dyson & UPS has lost the package. I called Dyson asking for next steps they tell me I have to file a claim with UPS… so i call UPS 3 different times for them to tell me Dyson has to submit the claim. I even submit my own claim on the website & it told me i could not do it, since this is a return Dyson is the sender, NOT myself. 

I finally spoke to a customer service supervisor as my last call. I told him what UPS said. He proceeded to get rude with me & said i had to contact UPS 5 more times as i told him i called THREE times and I could not do the claim. I asked him, if i call UPS again and they tell me the same thing again i need to either get sent a new straightener or i need my money back because it is not my fault that UPS lost a package & it's not in my hands, nor is it my fault or in my hands that Dyson Customer support is REFUSING to work with me on this claim. This entire situation has been extremely frustrating & i would like to speak to someone that is going to listen to what I'm saying and try to help me resolve the issue instead of telling me to do something i had done multiple times then hang up on me. 

hundreds of dollars (plus my 2 other products proving well over $1200 in Dyson in my home) for this kind of treatment from customer service is absolutely insane. 

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