Hi .
I am just wondering if anyone can help me .
I have sent my Dyson hover to be repaired , at a cost of £100.00 . The hover was picked up as arranged by Dyson .
The hover left me on the 22nd of March !! Aftet , so far 14 contacts with customer service I am getting nowhere . They have finally figured out the hover was lost after leaving my address
Dyson are now saying that I can have a reconditioned hover , and no refund of my money !!!
Next problem they don’t have a reconditioned hover so I have hang on until this is available .
frustrating , incompetence, a complete lack of communication ,customer service is absolutely ridiculous .
I am board of calling them, explaining everything again and again .
Please can anyone in Dyson if you are on this site to contact me. I have run out of option's, Can anyone please help sort this problem .
/Moderation edit - personal data removed]