Order Items Missing… No Answer from Dyson. Help! | Dyson Community
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Order Items Missing… No Answer from Dyson. Help!

  • 4 August 2023
  • 4 replies

I had a delivery today , 2 items are missing. I have tried whatsup, Facebook, phone and no help from Dyson. Iam so upset… how…DO I CONTACT DYSON?????

4 replies

If the missing parts are tools or accessories, these are almost always dispatched separately. Give How to: Check on the progress of a delivery a read. Failing that, keep trying with Dyson. If its urgent, calling them usually works best. 

Userlevel 5

If you’re expecting extra tools, they’ll come via standard delivery. Only the actual products are sent by courier service.

Hi, thanks for answering. I finally got a reply…One missing  item was an accessory and that came today. They will send me the other item in a within 5 days they said. The lack of communication from Dyson got me panicking.

I am having an issue with an order . I have contacted Dyson customer service everyday for a week and nobody will contact me or follow-up. I've reached out every day only for someone to tell me they will investigate it and get back in 24 hours each time
