Hi @paolor,
Usually this issue occurs when there are multiple accounts associated with the same email address. I’d recommend contacting support again with that specific info and asking them to disassociate the irrelevant account from your email (or simply registering the correct account under a new email address).
Please get in touch via one of our messaging channels, either WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, where one of our team will be happy to discuss the next steps.
To do this, simply click on our Dyson Support link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and select ‘Start a conversation’.
If you'd prefer, you're welcome to call the Dyson Helpline to speak with our experts directly. You can find their number in the ‘Contact us’ section of the page.
Thanks for the reply - I do indeed have 2 accounts under the same email address (UK and Canada). Even though this hasn’t been a problem until lately (I could access both accounts), I don’t need my Canadian account any longer so it can be disassociated from my email address.
I have contacted the UK support team and although they were supportive no change was made after the 24 hr they said it would take. I then decided to contact the Canadian support team asking them to cancel my Canadian account. I trust this will go though. I will mark the thread as resolved as soon as I am able to confirm it is.
Registering a new account is not a good option for me as I have warranty info for all of my devices, which I would have to recreate (assuming I’d even be allowed to re-register a machine that was previously registered under a different account).