What is your favorite dyson product?
My favorite is the cordless V10
Here’s a link for reference: https://www.dyson.com/air-treatment/air-purifiers/pure-cool-link-desk-dp01/white-silver
Dyson doesn’t sell this one any more, but our newer fan/purifiers are found at this link: https://www.dyson.com/air-treatment?utm_id=sa_71700000092338955_58700007753473022&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ec_environmental-care-range_always-on&utm_content=do_text&utm_term=dyson+purifier&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVVxKFnW95IijuXN3IN2wK6kV7CXi4ZYxA-NbbOKW85_8TNifG363_gaAicQEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
That coincidentally happens to be my favorite as well. Not only does it function really well, I really prefer the circular shape over the more current oval shapes.
The V10. The jump between the previous model to this was more like a substantial leap! The redesign of the bin emptying, tools/wand connections and overall easy of use was by far more than anything they’d done before. The almost double runtime helped sway me to buy it.
Very cool!
The Dyson Robot (2nd Gen) was a game changer for me. Being able to map, restrict areas and do targeted cleaning is huge! I’ve waiting for the 3rd Gen to hit the shelves in the UK.
dyson supersonic hair dryer
Dyson TP09 is pretty awesome. It's an air purifier that also functions as a fan, which is perfect for keeping my space cool and clean. It has advanced filtration that can capture gases and 99.95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns. Plus, it has a sleek design that looks great in my room.
Mine is the airwrap! Maybe the airstrait once I receive and try it
V15s submarine. It can vacuum and mop what more needs to be said!
HP09 Although I have never tried it but it probably would be
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