Dyson Purifier Auto mode - Broken | Dyson Community
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Dyson Purifier Auto mode - Broken

  • 25 October 2021
  • 11 replies

Using auto mode my air quality is good and below the auto target but my hot/cold formaldehyde HP09 doesn’t go onto standby/idle. Thought that this was the purpose of using auto mode. There’s still airflow even though the app shows airflow as off. I’ve only had the machine for a day and still fathoming it out. 

(Edited by moderator – tags amended)

Hello @Ros,

Do you have Continuous Monitoring active?

Using Continuous monitoring | Dyson Community 


Hello @Charliebrown 

I have disabled continuous monitoring.  On auto mode and below auto target. No change - still feel an airflow plus LCD screen still showing information. This was not what I expected standby to be. Plus thought auto and continuous could be enabled together. Happy to be corrected- I’m new to this. 

Hello @Charliebrown 

Tried it with oscillation and auto mode/below target stops machine from oscillating. Therefore it must be on standby. Tried it with continuous back on with auto and again oscillation stops so it has gone into standby. You learn something new every day. Thanks for responding anyway 

Hey @Charliebrown great idea. With Continuous Monitoring active and the machine set to idle/standby the machine can give off a brief airflow, but this shouldn’t be constant like what @Ros is seeing. 

It’s not an every day occurrence, but there is a scenario that this can occur. @Ros by any chance is your machine in Auto mode and heating? If so, here is what can happen; 

When your machine is set to Auto mode, it will purifier the air in the environment down to its auto target. This is expected.

However, if you have also have the heating function active and set a local temperature set, once the heating temperature has been met, the machine will continue to purifier the with cool air. This is until the auto air quality target has been met. Once both of these target are met, the machine will enter its idle/standby state. 

Should there be a drop in the temperature or a spike in the air quality above the targets, then the machine will start to product either the hot or cool air again. 

Is this what you are experiencing? 



Hello @Stuart 

received email from you but end of message was missing.  You asked if I had heating at on - I don’t as my room is at 22C and heating set at 6C. The airflow is constant 

Hi @Ros

Not quite sure why my comment hadn’t been pulled through. It should now be showing on the article. 

It sounds like you’ve been able to get an answer to your query. 

Feel free to @Me if you have any follow ups. 



Hello @Stuart 

dont think I’ve resolved the issue. Tried various scenarios- see below

heat is off+ continuous monitoring off+auto on+ oscillation on - in this case when below target oscillation stops but airflow continues 

heat off + continuous monitoring on+ auto on + oscillation on - in this case when below target oscillation stops but airflow continues

Having continuous monitoring on or off doesn’t make any difference. Auto mode continues to produce airflow when below target and this flow is constant. Flow is the same strength level as when air quality is good but not yet below target. Do you think that there is a fault?

Hi @Ros

You’ve covered every scenarios that I would have asked and more, thanks for going into so much detail and depth. 

I do have one more thought however and it will require a little more testing on your side.

As mentioned, when in the idle/standby state the machine will produce an airflow. This is so that it is able to detect a change in the local environment and turn back on again should the quality target be exceeded. 

With this in mind, is the airflow the same rate or higher than the machine has been before meeting the auto target?

If it isn’t, and it is a decreased speed, then I would suggest that this is the standard airspeed for your machine when in this idle/standby state.

A good test for this would be to hold a piece of paper up to the machine and see if the paper is blown at the same degree/angle. Holding it about 1 - 2 meters away would be a good measure.

Let me know what you’re seeing...





Hi @Stuart 

thanks for responding 

I did all that you asked and flow is the same before and after reaching the target. Definitely not what I expected from an idle state 

Hey @Ros 

Appreciate you taking the time and doing the additional check. 

Sometimes it’s not always apparent what could be causing these issues and as I don’t want to be providing you with wrong information, it can on occasion take a little longer to diagnose. Thanks for bearing with me. 

As the airflow is staying the same when switching for Auto into the idle/standby state, it sounds like you’ve got an error on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board). It’s rare that these make it past the quality control at the factory level, but it can happen.

We’ll need to arrange an exchange / replacement machine to be sent out to you. Please get in touch with our local customer support team via their WhatsApp channel and explain to them that you have come through from the Community site. They will run you through the next steps. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and start a WhatsApp conversation.

@Me again if you need any further help on this. 


