Dyson 360 Vis Nav Wish List | Dyson Community
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Hi Dyson Support and Product Team,

I’ve been in the market for a robot vacuum and while I really wanted to get the Dyson 360 Vis Nav, a few things have made me reluctant to click “buy”.  I thought I’d list out the things from a prospective buyer to help with your product roadmap.  I’ll try and keep the list to ‘reasonable’ things that fit the direction of the current Dyson 360 Vis Nav product.

  1. A user replaceable lens for the fisheye camera.  From what I’ve read, if the lens gets scratched, the navigation gets thrown off and it is pretty much unusable.  Looking at a spare parts document from your .au division, there is no way to replace the lens as this is part of the core body.  Being able to unscrew this lens and replace it would reduce the anxiety I have about accidentally scratching it down the road.
  2. Specs on the software/firmware updates you are pushing for the nav.  I don’t love having to rely on influencers on YouTube to tell me a new update has improved the navigation.  I would love a side-by-side improvement video by Dyson product owners to show how much it has improved.
  3. Smart home integration.  This may exist (I didn’t see on other posts), but I’d like to connect the robot vacuum to SmartThings, HomeKit, Home Assistant, etc. so then when I leave during the day and my wife has left the home it will start.  Given the robot needs lots of light for the camera to work well (opposed to night where people have issues), having it start cleaning during the daytime using smart integrations and presence sensing would be better than manually having to remember to turn it on.
  4. Alternative mapping options.  I’m not an expert here since I don’t own the product, but looking at review and videos, having more options to map the house would be helpful.  Maybe it is being able to add to an existing map, or letting the robot do a “in-depth” map of a single room (where you put the robot in the room to map, rather than having it travel there) that can be added to a larger map.  I see lots of reviews about mapping issues so knowing I won’t have to remap constantly would be helpful.  It makes me nervous to purchase when I see screenshots where the house map and the colored areas where the robot has cleaned is not aligned/offset and some rooms are not cleaned.

Thanks for hearing my thoughts!


I own two units and refering to your 4. point :


  • the displaced “dust map” is a glitch that can happen at the first 2 or 3 runs after a map was created - mostly if you use the “clean all” instead of room selection - but the area is cleaned in the same way it is with a correct placed dust map.
  • the robot is able to add rooms within at least 2 runs after map creation if you give it a clean everywhere run - but yes - more mapping options or adding new space all the time twith the option to add it or not] would be nice and is no problem to implement.

Regarding your light statement : it is better to let the unit create its map with a certain amount of daylight / lights turned on - but after that the unit is running fine in the dark using its own LED lights.

@frickhelm, thanks for the insights!  What are your thoughts on the durability of the fisheye camera?  Is this something that concerns you at all?  The fact I saw a few posts about this could be a case of selection bias where only people who have issues post about it while everyone else that doesn’t, don’t say anything.

I ended up buying one and it is excellent.  A few more items to add to my wishlist now I’ve been using it.

  • ability to set the power level for a room on a schedule separately for each scheduled event from what the individual room power level selection is.  This way during the day I can do an ad hoc clean on a room on auto, yet scheduled late at night on quiet.
  • have it integrate with SmartThings so then I can set the schedule to start and my lights also turn on at the same time when it is late at night.

Integration with Home Assistant, Google Assistant, etc. would be excellent.

Yes, a Home Assistant integration (only basic functionality) would be great! With Home Assistant and Homebridge one could pipe the connection to homekit etc. There are not many robot vaccums having this ability. I think this would be a great plus.

Other things that has started to surface to add to the list:

  1. Ability for the robot to clean the rooms in the order I select them (if selected individually).
    1. If I select Main Bedroom first, then Secondary Bedroom second, then I would like to clean it in that order.
  2. Ability to add/remove a room when the robot is already on a cleaning run
    1. If I change my mind and I don't want to clean room C (A, B, C, D), and the robot is already cleaning B but hasn’t gotten to C or D, I just want to remove C and have it then still clean D.  Example to Add, if it is cleaning ABCD and I want to add room E, I don't want to have to wait for it to come back to the dock and finish cleaning or have to cancel the current clean to add it.



  1. Ability to add/remove a room when the robot is already on a cleaning run
    1. If I change my mind and I don't want to clean room C (A, B, C, D), and the robot is already cleaning B but hasn’t gotten to C or D, I just want to remove C and have it then still clean D. 



This is somewhat possible right now as you can skip rooms during a run. You can do this from the app or directly at the robot itself. In the app pause the run and press the skip button right next to it. On the robot you have to also pause the run and the swipe up on the display and select skip from there.
