My V6 absolute vacuum cleaner gets blocked at the inlet to the bin | Dyson Community

My V6 absolute vacuum cleaner gets blocked at the inlet to the bin

  • 23 February 2024
  • 2 replies

I have dogs & find that the inlet to the bin get blocked very easily with hair & other tiny bits of leaf/twig. I remove the bin, & build up of hair, but it gets blocked again very quickly within a minute or so. I’m spending more time emptying/clearing it that actually vacuuming.

2 replies

I’ve had this vacuum cleaner since 2015 & it is only fairly recently that this has been happening. The hair & other detritus is not getting as far as the bin, it’s just getting stuck in the inlet to the bin

I think that’s eventually going to happen no matter what because the vacuum cleaner’s bin compartment is small for you, considering the fact that you mentioned leaf/twigs and dog hair. 
