Suggestion - Clothing vacuum cleaner | Dyson Community

Suggestion - Clothing vacuum cleaner

  • 19 February 2023
  • 2 replies

Please could Dyson consider inventing a vacuum cleaner for clothing 🙏❤️

I’ve given up wearing black due to having 3 ‘alleged’ non shedding, white dogs. I need a vacuum cleaner for my clothes 🙏❤️🙏😃

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2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Heyy! What a great idea!

Thought I do think they do something like this already - at least in the form of an attachment to their Dyson’s cleaners. Give these two links a try, you might be surprised 😃

  1. Vacuums for pets | Dyson UK
  2. Pet grooming kit | Dyson UK

Good luck 

Emma 😁

Hi Emma


Thank you for the links. I have been an avid Dyson fan forever. Since I bought my first pull-along cylinder Dyson Animal. Or was it an upright. Hmm, I’ve had a few. I use a cordless now but I was not aware of the pet attachment. LOVE this idea! Just need a hoover with less of a suck for clothing though :D