I had my Gen5 Detect for less than 3 months and the wheels broke on the Digital Motorbar. This is not the quality I expected to receive when buying a VERY expensive Dyson product. It has been months and no replacement motorbars have become available. I have never regretted a purchase so much as my purchase of a Dyson product. Suffice it to say I will NOT be recommending the product NOR the company. I can only surmise that some Private Equity firm much have purchased this once great brand and ruined them. I would love to return the product but it has of course been too long for that now. What a rip off.
I called support and there is nothing they can do. They can’t just send me a replacement motorbar when they become available. It’s up to ME to know when the part is available and then call back. What a load of garbage.
I see that every single one of these topics gets locked by the moderators which is also nonsense. I fully expect this post will probably be deleted.