Ball animal 3 available in the UK? | Dyson Community

Ball animal 3 available in the UK?

  • 21 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi all - noob question time! :) 


Having had no joy talking to a couple of different chat experts (?), can anyone here confirm, or direct me to where I can confirm, when the ball animal 3 will be available in the UK?


At the moment the UK site just lists the ball animal (v1?) with an AW power rating of 90 at the hose, 68 at the cleaner head.


However, the US site lists two different models:

ball animal 2 - 290AW ‘standard’ and boost mode

ball animal 3 - 290AW boost mode only.


The UK Dyson team seem to be unable to / cannot engage with the US Dyson team.


None of the AW metrics are comparable between US and UK sites, however, the ball animal 3 look to be the newest and most powerful Dyson vacuum advertised at 290AW suction power.


Questions, which Ive not managed to get answers to:

  1. what is 290AW suction when measured at the hose, and at the cleaner head? (for comparison against the only UK model)
  2. when will / how can I buy the Ball Animal 3 here in the UK?


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1 reply

Badge +1

Ball Animal 3 is never going to be available in UK and we're never gonna have as much suction power as American models due to EU regulations