I honestly don’t know.
If you could select the direction it stops in, i’d certainly use the feature.
This might just be one of those suggestion Dyson takes away for future approval. Much like they did for the advanced oscillation a few years ago..
I’d recommend adding the ‘Suggestion’ tag to the question. That way it could be tracked.
I am of course assuming they use the tags in this way..
Hi @PeteRepeat, @Kibbleb,
Thanks for creating a posts and highlighting this requirements.
The current set up of the scheduling function doesn’t allow for the likes of advance oscillation or the ability for the direction to be pre-programmed and therefore ‘returned’ to it’s starting point. That isn’t to say that its not something which is possible in the future or on our future products.
As with our other questions/conversations that offer suggestions on improvements and/or new functions, this is something in which our developers will need to review, scope, priorities and eventually look at planning. To facilitate this, I will make sure that I highlight this at the next development planning session(s).
These session(s) are where the team review and prioritise suggestions ahead of each software release and development phase. Though I will not be able to offer you a directly comment on any of the In-App integration plans, through highlighting it, I’d hope that the team will invest time in the feature.
If there are any other suggestions you wish to make on how you feel we can improve the app, feel free to leave further comments. I will also pass these onto our development team for future consideration.