High Pitch Sounds Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde TP09 | Dyson Community
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This is my second purifier TP09, as I returned and replaced the original due to the intermittent high pitch squealing sound that it produces and now the 2nd model is doing the same thing.  I've researched the community as well as a few other online communities and it concerns me that many people have this same issue and it has not really been addressed as to why and what is the cause.  I do not want to visit a repair center as I've stated that is my 2nd machine and therefore it's not an isolated issue.

It seems to me that there is a flaw in the design that is not being addressed.  It doesn't make sense why it works perfectly fine until it doesn't.  If I change the setting from Auto to a number less than 7 I can hear the high pitch sound loudly, 7 - 10 and it can not be heard that much due to the wind speed overpowering however that is not an appropriate sound level to hear all day and after running at that speed for long enough the high pitch starts up again.

Many people are attempting to purifier their homes, all day, using the auto setting however it seems that is not being tested prior to releasing the product to the public as if it was, it would be heard.

The sound is very annoying and causes panic attacks for those of us that are sensitive.

Please advise as to what can be done to rectify this.  All the hours of troubleshooting and messing with the machine are starting to outweigh the benefits as I end up turning it off most of the time.

I’ve been sending emails and am no longer receiving a response.  It has nothing to do with CM settings and I feel slighted at the amount of money spent and again the lack of response. 

What do I do at this point? 


(Edited by moderator – Tags added) 

Hey there, @digivexed 

From what you’ve shared, it sounds to me that the machine has a low-grade whistling/whining noise, which is more apparent at the lower fan speed level.

This can be caused by several factors; the filter(s) becoming blocked and/or unseated, the outer shell becoming misaligned and/or the loop amplifier being damaged, unseated or blocked. Other factors could also contribute to this, such as if the machine has ever been dropped or carried by the loop amplifier.  

I always start with asking, too, if you happen to be using continuous monitoring mode? I would also suggest reseating the filter(s) as this can often times resolve the issue. 

If it persists, please get in touch via our local WhatsApp channel, where one of our team will be happy to discuss the next steps. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and start a WhatsApp conversation.

If you'd prefer, you're welcome to call the Dyson Helpline to speak with our experts directly. You can find their number in the ‘Contact us’ section of the page.

Best wishes,

Hi @kellym thanks for responding.  It is not low-grade whistling but a high pitch squealing sound.  It is apparent at all levels, it just not as loud at the higher levels due to the fan sound over powering it. And if I change the fan setting it stops for a while but returns after some time, which does not follow any certain amount of time.  What exactly is the loop amplifier that you mentioned and is that something I can control?

The machine has never been dropped and as I stated, this is my 2nd machine with the same exact issues occurring and the replacement was fairly recent.  The app says filter life is at 79%, so I doubt it’s blocked.  I also stated that it has nothing to do with continuous monitoring as I’m not using the CM setting.

I do not use WhatsApp and have already had a long chat with support.  I guess I can try a call again but again, the issue is that the problem persists even after replacement.  Based on other users comments it seems to be a known issue and directly linked to the design.

Hi @digivexed 

Your loop amplifier is the large loop on your TP09 where air comes out. When carrying your machine, often times the inclination can be to pick it up by the loop to move it from room to room, however this is not suggested. If you do ever have to move your machine, you’ll want to pick it up from the base and carry it that way. 

Ah ok.  Thanks.  I do not move it but will keep that in mind should I.

Any news on this matter?
I’m having the same issue, 
Has nothing to do with the filter or the loop amplifier, 
This noise is comes from the motor.

I’ve contacted Dyson’s support trough WhatsApp and were very slow, totally incoherent and barley speak any English.

Maybe is time for Dyson to acknowledge the design flaw of the motor and do something about it?
This is not an isolated case by any means.
At release a service note or something.

But this total silence and copy/paste standard answers like “check the filter”,  absolutely humiliating support… is totally unacceptable at this level.

I thought the premium price of 700E for a purifier/fan should translate into some respect at least.

@mikec I finally received a response after months of silence but it was definitely not helpful.  I was told they would be happy to replace it again, after stating this was already my 2nd unit and I did not want a replacement.  I asked for a refund and was told it was out of the time where I could receive one.  My response “Of course it is, how convenient you don’t respond for a long time and when you finally do you tell me it’s not possible to give me my money back”.  I received no acknowledgement of the issue, no help except keep replacing.  Who wants to keep replacing a brand new unit only to have to go through the same headaches over and over.  It’s just wrong.  I feel exactly the same, never have I received such disrespectful “support” and especially not at this price point.

Hi everyone, 

Great to see a healthy discussion on this matter. Maybe I can even help point to a solution.

One subject that’s sometimes overlooked, is that the noise is being generated through the use of continuous monitoring. When this is active, and when the machine is in a standby state, some users may hear a low humming sound. This is set to auto on, so will need to be switched off in the App, which will stop this sound from occurring.

In instances where the machine is generate a noise or acting in such a way that it is inoperable, we’d recommend arranging a repair. This repair provides our engineers the opportunity to inspect the machine for any potential fault, either caused through the manufacturing process or one caused by user error. This is done by placing the machine on a diagnostic rig. As an example, in the instance the motor is generating an intermittent noise other than that of it’s factory state, this may be the result of motor shaft impact. Where this is present and if it is repairable, a replacement motor will be provided or if it isn’t repairable, a replacement machine will be offered. With this in mind, decisions of this nature can only be made by our engineering team, inspecting and repairing the machine in question. 

The most direct way to arrange this repair is to contact our Dyson Helpline to speak with our experts. To locate their telephone number, simply click on our Guides and manuals link and navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page.



Hi  Stuart
thank you for your great copy/paste answer that I might have read a dozen times.

The noise we are discussing here has nothing to do with continuous monitoring, I know that noise and comes from the little fan inside the AQ monitoring unit, that is completely negligible.
it comes from the motor unit and starts after a couple of hours of working at medium speed around 4-5.
Usually during night time when the power is capped at 4 in night mode.
Almost every night I wake up to this winding loud noise.

the noise changes intensity and pitch with according to the speed setting, sometimes even stops on higher speeds 7-8.
This issue occurs on new units as well as units of which motor is claimed to be replaced by the service under warranty.
So it’s a very common recurring issue.

I cannot insert videos in this message but I will post a link to YouTube video demonstrating this hopefully without being banned/removed.
Video shoot by me on my machine.

Hi Stuart,

Here is a link to the video demonstrating the noise of the TP09 we are discussing here.

As you can observe the noise changes intensity with the speed of the motor.
And as I was saying.. sometimes it goes away when going into higher speeds for a bit, but not always. Most of the times I have to leave the machine off for 10-15 mins for the noise to disappear (to cool down? PS. not operating in extremes temperatures by any means.. 25C-30C).
This is clearly coming from the motor unit.

The noise that you are talking about from the continuous monitoring is a CONSTANT one and very very low intensity which is not the case here.

@Stuart why does it feel like no one is really reading...this was already stated by both of us and others it is not the same nor does it have anything to do with the setting :(


This is the sound I experience High pitch

Hi @digivexed, @mikec,

Thank you both for the follow up messages. 

It’s great that you’ve both clarified that you’re not hearing the noise produced by the continuous monitoring setting. Ruling that out as a cause and obtaining two separate recording of what you are experiencing is really going to help. 

I will contact our engineering team to review the recording, gain their opinion on the potential cause and share their insights with you. This analysis may not be accurate however, as this can only truly be done with the models on our diagnostic rigs. Nonetheless, it should help shed light on the possible cause(s). 

In the meantime, if you are already in discussion with our local team to arrange a repair, please proceed with this. I would however request you share the serial numbers of these machine with me via a DM. I can then share these with engineering team for further study. 



Hi everyone, 

I wanted to share the outcome of our engineers investigation. 

Following their review, they’ve stated that without having the unit(s) for assessment, an accurate diagnosis of the route cause cannot be offered. However, in analysing the recordings, kindly provided by our members, they believe a potential cause is a bearing making an intermittent high-pitched noise.

Our service workshops are equip to diagnose an issue of this nature and there are recommended and refined fixes in place to stop it from occurring post repair. In addition, our engineering and manufacturing process is continuously improved, reducing and helping to eliminate potential issue from occurring on new models.

In conclusion, the best course of action for anyone in this situation, is to continue or start a new conversation with our helpline experts, who are best place to recommend the correct action to in the future. 



I wanted to update the community, It has been almost 2 weeks with no reply from customer support when attempting to resolve this a 2nd time.

I wanted to update the community, It has been almost 2 weeks with no reply from customer support when attempting to resolve this a 2nd time.

The best way to get this sorted is call the main support line and ask for an engineer call back which is usually same / next day. The 2nd line engineers can arrange a repair / replacement. 

I must admit my experience with WhatsApp / front line support has been mixed but once you get through to engineer they are great

My final update to the community. I give up at this point. I ended up trying chat on the website and was able to get my replacement processed.  I’ve had the replacement for almost 1 month and the same squealing noises I’ve experienced with the previous 2 replacements still persists.   @Stuart  just so you are aware, the fixes that were supposedly made to the newer models have not resolved the issues and I’m not sure how they pass the test process but as I suspected nothing has changed.  In addition there is another sound being produced that is less aggravating but none the less is unexpected and did not occur with the previous models.

My final update to the community. I give up at this point. I ended up trying chat on the website and was able to get my replacement processed.  I’ve had the replacement for almost 1 month and the same squealing noises I’ve experienced with the previous 2 replacements still persists.   @Stuart  just so you are aware, the fixes that were supposedly made to the newer models have not resolved the issues and I’m not sure how they pass the test process but as I suspected nothing has changed.  In addition there is another sound being produced that is less aggravating but none the less is unexpected and did not occur with the previous models.

Have you got new or refurbished units as the replacements? My experience with Dyson is also not great to be fair. Only refurbished (repaired) machines work as expected, my TP07 produced exactly the same pitching noise and Dyson tried to stall me in exactly the same way as you, their customer support is outsourced and apparently following the script, they know nothing about the product and they don’t care. I recorded the video and told them to escalate the issue, they replaced TP07 with TP09 refurbished, so now, I have 3 refurbished fans in the house and all of them are great so far but I am not confident in Dyson fan quality to be fair. I’ve read somewhere (Reddit I think) that it was a bad batch bearing but Dyson never organised a recall or anything, typical grabbing hands attitude, well.

My final update to the community. I give up at this point. I ended up trying chat on the website and was able to get my replacement processed.  I’ve had the replacement for almost 1 month and the same squealing noises I’ve experienced with the previous 2 replacements still persists.   @Stuart  just so you are aware, the fixes that were supposedly made to the newer models have not resolved the issues and I’m not sure how they pass the test process but as I suspected nothing has changed.  In addition there is another sound being produced that is less aggravating but none the less is unexpected and did not occur with the previous models.

Have you got new or refurbished units as the replacements? My experience with Dyson is also not great to be fair. Only refurbished (repaired) machines work as expected, my TP07 produced exactly the same pitching noise and Dyson tried to stall me in exactly the same way as you, their customer support is outsourced and apparently following the script, they know nothing about the product and they don’t care. I recorded the video and told them to escalate the issue, they replaced TP07 with TP09 refurbished, so now, I have 3 refurbished fans in the house and all of them are great so far but I am not confident in Dyson fan quality to be fair. I’ve read somewhere (Reddit I think) that it was a bad batch bearing but Dyson never organised a recall or anything, typical grabbing hands attitude, well.

@krisdeb thanks for sharing your experience.  I was told all 3 of my units were new. The last one was supposed to have been a “new design” where they corrected the flaw.

I have this exact issue with my 3 week Tp09.

I'm afraid it's a known design flaw, using impellers creates this sound due to the high RPM. It's creating turbulance. 

Dyson have a video on YouTube where they try and eradicate the sound.. they use Helmholtz cavitys to prevent it on this video.


Possibly a firmware update where the rpm fluctuates to prevent the noise. By raising the fan speed to 10 and 1 a few times gets rid of the noise for a few minutes. 

I'm not impressed as Dyson aren't holding there hands up and saying yep we got it wrong.

I have this exact isuse with my 3 week Tp09.


I'm afraid it's a known design flaw, using impellers creates this sound due to the high RPM. It's creating turbulance. 


Dyson have a video on YouTube where they try and eradicate the sound.. they use Helmholtz cavitys to prevent it on this video.


Possibly a firmware update where the rpm fluctuates to prevent the noise. By raising the fan speed to 10 and 1 a few times gets rid of the noise for a few minutes. 


I'm not impressed as Dyson aren't holding there hands up and saying yep we got it wrong.


The issue I’m experiencing is not what the Dyson engineer describes, 
If that was the case, the high pitched sound would have been constant.
In my case the sound appears intermittently after some hours of running, almost like a bearing runs out of grease.
Check the video I posted before.


Upon my knowledge, that also seems to be an issue with an internal impellar. Not only TP07/09s had that issue, there were simillar issues with TP04/06s as well. And it was sometimes intermittent, sometimes constant.

Plus, I personally think that’s something to do with their quality control as well. It magically disappeared when I got the motor assembly replaced. 


I had this issue with both my tp04 and tp09.  I put both machines at 10 for a week straight 24/7.  Haven’t had any noises for the last 3 months.


Both machines were replaced previously because of the noise.

running at speed 10 for a week seems excessive / expensive based on the 40w+ of usage! @Stuart - would this likely help stop the motor bearing issue? 

running at speed 10 for a week seems excessive / expensive based on the 40w+ of usage! @Stuart - would this likely help stop the motor bearing issue? 

This is the first time I am hearing of this method. To my knowledge, the only way to resolve the bearing issue was to replace the motor bucket. I’ll happily highlighting it to the engineering team in our next monthly meeting. 

After testing, if there’s any validity to this method, I’ll reach back out 😁

@Jay ,got my machine back from the service, they said the motor assembly was replaced (after 2 months).
so far no more bearing noise (1 week)
but seems like after 4-5th speed there is a louder whining impeller noise than before, unfortunately cannot compare so it might be just an impression.. still cannot believe how loud it is and how someone thought this is acceptable!

But yeah…. QA seems to be quite poor.
Also the design philosophy seems quite wrong. They favor form over function and end up overcomplicating a fan that looks fancy but introduce very complex issues in the process. 

I mean.. this device is useless as a fan, at speed 10 is louder than a kitchen extractor and the airflow is less than my 60E Airmate fan at lowest speed that is whisper quiet.

And as a purifier.. well I never heard a purifier being so loud, I understand ..this one “projects” the air but at what cost??? 

And we keep seeing those tests and how great it performs at cleaning the room but they never mention how long it takes and at what speed and how loud it is compared with competition.

So yeah.. sorry for the rant but after all this expense and trouble for a purifier.. need to blow some steam.
In conclusion … highly doubt I will ever buy or recommend again a Dyson purifier/fan that prioritize form over function.

PS. Thanks @Stuart for your assistance!
