purfifer motor rattle | Dyson Community
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purfifer motor rattle

  • 30 December 2021
  • 7 replies

I’ve seen a quite a few comments online about motor rattle noise (sounds like a something rattling inside the machine) and had several HP units replaced because of it. Has anyone else experienced this?

7 replies


It sounds like I’ve been quite lucky. I’ve had a number of machines and none of them have had this issue. 

Is this something your still experiencing? 


Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Yes indeed, I’ve had 5 replacements so far and one of my machines is ok (the noise is subtle / intermittent so I can live with it) but I have another which is still rattling but it’s the black nickel HP07 but it’s been out of stock for months so I haven’t called customer services. 

Hello there,

It doesn't seem that anyone else on the Community is experiencing the same rattling issue as you, which is a good thing. However, we'd still like to help with your problem.

Do you have your unit placed on a hard surface, or do you have it on carpeting, where the unit may not be stable? Also, when you do switch your purifier from front to rear airflow, there may be a clicking sound as the motor adjusts direction. This is normal, and wouldn't be an indicator of anything wrong with your machine. 

We'd be happy to further help troubleshoot the issue with you. Feel free to connect with our team via WhatsApp. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and start a WhatsApp conversation.

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Thanks for the reply. From looking at other reviews on the Dyson site and Reddit it seems like a fairly common issue. 

The noise is present on carpet, hard floor, front and back airflow and regardless if the machine is tilted forward or backwards. 

Its as if something isn’t aligned within the motor which is then catching. 

I’ve arranged for an exchange to hopefully see if I get a better one but unsure if you can pass this onto someone who may be able to take a look into it further? 



Userlevel 4
Badge +3

@Stuart are you able to support on this issue? / pass on comments to the team that works on the HP Units? I’ve made an album of the machines I’ve had so far and the whistling / motor noises they make: Here

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@Stuart are you able to support on this issue? / pass on comments to the team that works on the HP Units? I’ve made an album of the machines I’ve had so far and the whistling / motor noises they make: Here

Hey @Heyhey88

Of course. First let me say how great it is to see you’ve pulled this information together to support Dyson. As recognition for your effort, I’ve awarded you the Air Treatment Specialist and Community Supporter badges. These are awarded for overall contributing to the 'Air treatment' category and the overall participation across the entire community respectively. Hopefully these go some way to show my appreciate for what you have collated.

I’ve been in touch with our Category and Development lead earlier today, and we will be booking in time to review this information. Following on from this, we may be in contact to ask you some specific questions.  

If we do and we require more information, either me or a member of the Moderation team will reach out to you via DM (Direct Message).

Thank you once again and I am sure we will be in contact soon. 



Userlevel 4
Badge +3

@Stuart - Thank you so much for the quick reply and really appreciate you taking the time to look at this. I haven’t had much luck with customer services and I’ve lost count of how many units I’ve had swapped out. (I’m still waiting for stock to come back to replace one I have this is still rattling / clipping, assuming they will ever come back due to chip shortage 😔). 

More than happy to support in anyway I can as I love the brand and the purifiers. 




