How to: Search and post on the Dyson Community | Dyson Community
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How to: Search and post on the Dyson Community

  • 14 January 2022
  • 0 replies


Before taking the plunge and posting a new topic, you may want to see if someone else on the Dyson Community has already asked the same thing, or started a discussion about the same topic. To do this, simply have a quick look for it by using the search option at the top of every page.

By typing your question into the search, it reviews all of the existing content on the Dyson Community for key words and returns the 5 top results. Choosing the ‘View all’ option returns all the results.

For example, by searching ‘My Filter needs’ you will be shown the top 5 results that contain the word ‘Filter’.


Example - Search option with text

Topics with either a tick or a question mark against them have been created by other users, whereas ones represented with a document are static articles from the community Knowledge Base.

If your topic doesn’t already exist, go ahead and create a new one. Here’s how to do this:



Need further help? Our step-by-step guide walks you through creating a new topic.