Community Newsletter - April 2023 | Dyson Community
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Welcome to the April edition of our newsletter.

Hello to all our new members, those that are returning and those that’s still considering joining us, it’s great to have you here! Every time you interacted with an article, leave a ‘like’, comment, suggestion, or feedback, it all helps our community grow 😃!

Let’s start by looking at what our team have been working on this last month. And highlight the NEW category that hit the community at the end of April. 


How to: Campaign 

We’ve been releasing even more articles into our ‘Getting to know your machine’ series. In April, we’ve focused our efforts into articles that help new and returning owners become familiar with their machines’. These include:

Our next batch of articles focus specifically on our Hair care category and revisit some of the unique features across the Cordless vacuums. Keep an eye peeling for these throughout May 🙂!


New Category ‘Headphones’

In last months newsletter I hinted at a new category hitting the Community - on the 27th April we excitingly include a bespoke discussion forum and knowledge section for our NEW ‘Headphones’ category.

This expansion includes 20+ articles designed to support owners with product onboarding, in-app functionality, audio, purification, through to maintenance and common queries. 

Visit this new category by clicking on one of the links below;

  • Two NEW Community sections - For the discussion and sharing of product knowledge;
    1. New Homepage Category - ‘Headphones’.
    2. New Knowledge base Category - ‘Headphones’.
  • Eight NEW subcategories, individually designed to help onboard and support owners;
    1. New Homepage subcategories;
      • General discussion - For general discussion and help.  
      • Setting up your headphones - For discussion and advice on pairing, connectivity, audio and purification.
      • Controlling your headphones - For discussion and advice with controlling the headphones audio settings, In-App features, manual controls, airflow and more.
      • Maintaining your headphones - For discussion and advice on general maintenance, including filter information, charging, general cleaning and more.
      • Air quality - For discussion and advice on the air quality settings, including the In-App graphs and airflow data.
    2. New Knowledge base subcategories;

Alongside these new sections, we’ve also made a few changes to the homepage layout. Including ‘Headphones’ as a selectable option under our ‘Join the conversation’ section, and the creation of 3 new bespoke badges - these will be awarded to those community members that participate and support each other the most in this new category. 

let us know what you thinking of this new category in the comments! 🤗


Top contributors 

The competition to the top spot is always fierce, and always incredibly close. April saw three different members reach the victorious spot of ‘Top contributors’. These are: 


 - For being the ‘most active person’ across the entire community. Leaving the most replies and likes. 


 - For having more of their replies marked as the ‘Best answer’.


 - For receiving the most likes across their topics and replies within a single month. 


Congratulations to each of you and please keep up the great work!


That’s it. As always, if you have a suggestion for future content or just simply wish to provide feedback, let us know in the comments below.

Speak to you all again very soon!


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