How can I get support for my Dyson V8 vacuum? | Dyson Community
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I have the Dyson V8 vacuum cleaner. After one year with moderate use, I started having pickup issues. A bunch of debris would fall out of my vacuum head every time I picked it up. I put in a warranty claim, and they eventually sent me a new motor.

Two years later and I’m experiencing the exact same problem, only this time Dyson says I’ll need to pay $150 for a new motor as the vacuum is outside of its warranty. I asked the rep on the phone if Dyson only makes products built to last three years. His response? A vague “Mmm”. Cool.

I thought I would invest in a good vacuum when I bought my new home. It was a mistake to go with Dyson. Never again.

pModeration edit - title updated]

Hi ​@rains,

Welcome to the Dyson Community, and thanks for letting us know about this.

I’ve reached out directly to take some further information. Please check your Dyson Community private message inbox and provide the details requested.

I’ll look forward to hearing from you.

As an update, I haven’t received resolution on this. Aastha reached out privately, then ghosted. Seems to be in line with my overall experience with Dyson.

Hi ​@rains,

I understand our Canada Customer Care team has now been in touch with you to help resolve this situation.

I’m glad we’ve been able to sort things out, but you’re welcome back here at the Dyson Community if you need further support or advice at any point!
