Just a quick shout out to All Zone users and those on the sidelines thinking about getting a pair.
I’m a cinematographer and many times I am out in some gnarly locations (“whatever it takes to get the shot!”) but most always when out in the elements where you can’t control the air (ie, in an air conditioned location) there are at least some smells you encounter.
Today I was out in Hollywood 17 stories up on a roof of a building for a shoot. Because we are outside, there are areas one can smoke, etc., but with the way the winds blow, you can go from upwind to downwind in a blast of cigar smoke in a matter of a second or thrice. This was a good use for my Dyson Zone cans. They did not disappoint. I really really likes these and yes the air still smellllllssssss freessshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! 🤓