Stay alert to scams | Dyson Community
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⚠️ Stay alert to scams 


At Dyson, your online security is our priority – so please stay alert to online fraud. Fake websites and phishing emails attempt to deceive you by spoofing genuine Dyson websites, words and images.

Protect yourself from fraudsters by only shopping direct from, from Dyson Demo stores, and from our authorised third party retailer partners.


💻 How to spot a fake Dyson website


Fake websites attempt to trick you by copying genuine Dyson websites, words and images. Stay alert for spelling mistakes, poor quality images and suspicious links. And protect yourself from fraud by following these online security tips:

  • Only shop direct from and authorised third party retailers.
  • Ask yourself: “Is this price suspiciously low?’ If the price appears too good to be true, it could be a scam.


✉️ How to spot a fake Dyson email

Fraudsters attempt to deceive you by sending spoofed emails, aiming to trick you into sharing your personal and payment details. This is called ‘phishing’.

These emails may include the Dyson logo and official images of Dyson products. Please stay alert to phishing by following these online security tips:

  • Make sure the email is sent from Dyson’s official email domain (i.e.“”), be watchful for subtle misspellings of the email domain, such as “”
  • If you suspect an email is spoofed, don’t open any links or attachments that you see.
  • Never share your personal or payment card details, or one-time password (OTP), with anyone.
  • We recommend reporting spoofed/phishing emails to your email service provider, to help protect other Dyson shoppers and owners from this malicious activity.

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