Goal: I want the Dyson Hot/Cool fan to run all night on cool at a low speed. At set intervals I want the Hot fan to come on and briefly heat up the room. Then I want the heat to switch off and go back to the low cool setup.
1. Start 7pm, Cool, Speed 1, Stop 8am next day.
2. Start 1am, Heat, Speed 1, 22 degrees, Stop 1:10am.
So this would look like:
* 7pm to 1am cooling speed 1.
* 1am to 1:10am heat 22d speed 1.
* 1:10am to 8am cooling speed 1.
* 8am shut off.
Issue: In the above example, this does not happen. After the heat schedule finishes at 1:10am, the fan shuts off instead of continuing with schedule 1. That is:
* 7pm to 1am cooling speed 1.
* 1am to 1:10am heat 22d speed 1.
* 1:10am shuts off.
It looks like the scheduling will continue with schedule 1 ONLY if schedule 2 is before midnight. See attached screenshot.
I could setup a third schedule to continue with schedule 1 settings however as there can only be 3 schedules per day I would not be able to add any other schedules. E.g. a second heat schedule.
Is this a defect? Or is there a way I can set this up to work?