Dyson Reviewer Program - How do I apply? | Dyson Community
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Dyson Reviewer Program - How do I apply?

  • 29 December 2022
  • 2 replies

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas about how to increase my chances of being selected to join the Dyson Reviewer’s Program? Or any info on how that process works? I am a long time, die hard fan of the company as a whole and it’s products. I own LOTS of Dyson stuff so that is why I am so interested in joining. TIA.


(Moderation Edit - Title Updated)

Hi @Stormydaze22

Thanks for the follow up query here! 

From time-to-time Dyson invites owners to review our newest/latest technology.

Those that fit the reviewer criterial will be considered and contacted, usually via email. Obviously. there aren’t enough products for everyone to review, so the candidate pool does vary. 

Here’s my own top tip that may help towards being selected: Opting into marketing and share as much information about yourself at registration.



Perfect answer Stuart! I really, honestly appreciate the advice so much and you taking the time to answer my question.