Hope I can get some answers here from anyone with past experience with this. I placed an order for a Dyson hair styler. It never arrived but the two “free items” did. After two weeks, I called and they said it was back ordered so I just canceled the order and said I would return the free items. Easier to order on Amazon.
Long story short after a month of phone calls, waiting on hold for over an hour, speaking to 4 different people( sucharita, Sergio, Maria, Laura) all promising to send an email for full refund to no avail. (Even one customer service agent answered, and then pretended she couldn’t hear me and hung up.) then I received an email that I must package and return the free items before I get a full refund. When I called back, Laura told me they don’t accept those free items back and the email was incorrect and to just keep them and that I would get an email and a full refund. Thought I was on the right track.
I still have NOT received an email or a refund. I mean what terrible customer service for such a great product. I’ve reached out to WhatsApp, who says they will “escalate” to a higher team which I feel is BS because I was told by Laura that it was already done.
any advice is greatly appreciated 🙏