I wouldn’t usually leave a comment against a discussion on Dyson hair appliances, this isn’t an area that I have any experience with, either their operation or design.
I do however believe I can add a little context and possibly provide a solution to what you’re experiencing.
What I suspect you’re encountering is the evaporation of water molecules in your hair. This evaporation can be caused by several factors, all of which should be easily rectified. Some are environmental, whilst the others are user controlled.
The local air temperature - If the local air temperature is colder than that of the surface of your hair or there is a colder breeze being carried into the space, by applying heat to your hair, steam vapours will be more readily seen. This is similar to exiting the shower room and seeing steam coming off of exposed skin. I suggest increasing the room temperate and monitoring if this makes a difference.
The application of more heat than is necessary - When water is heated it evaporates, which means it turns into vapour. This is akin to that which @SalonSally advised. Whereas an excess of water and a high heat will make this more visible.
The heating of a substance other than water - In the occasion where you’ve introduced a substance such as an oil, by heating this alongside that of the water, it may evaporate leaving an adore. I suspect this is why you’ve seen an increase in the air quality with the purifier. It is being detected on a particulate level and it is reacting accordingly.
If I may make three suggestions. Try removing more of the liquids from your hair before using the applicator, start with a lower heat and where an oil or other substance is used, do not do so in any excess.