Could Dyson please create a self-emptying base for Vis Nav? | Dyson Community
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Since we still cannot zone our house because of the lack of diagonal room dividers in the Dyson app, can we suggest that Dyson create a self-emptying base, just like the ones for the Roomba?  

I’d actually pay extra for this as an add-on to the Vis Nav...with its small bin, and the lack of room dividers, we have to babysit the Vis Nav and wait for it to get full multiple times while cleaning the combo kitchen/dining/living room in our house.

It was shortsighted for Dyson in this day and age to put out a robot vacuum that cannot empty itself.  If you’d got all that suction, you’re sure to get a lot more stuff vacuumed up, and have to empty the bin more often.  Please add this as a request...surely this could happen in 2025?

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