Can Dyson have a travel hair dryer or dryer with a shorter cord pretty please | Dyson Community

Can Dyson have a travel hair dryer or dryer with a shorter cord pretty please

  • 10 October 2023
  • 2 replies

Please consider making a more travel friendly size dryer (with diffuser) or at least an option of a shorter cord on your regular dryer. I hate traveling without my Dyson! :( 

Jack 7 months ago

Hi @fang

The Dyson Supersonic™️ hair dryer includes a 2.8m (9ft) cable - providing users with plenty of reach between the power socket and mirror, to make drying and styling as easy as possible. It’s engineered to work effectively with the voltage of the country it’s sold in, rather than being specifically optimised for travel between countries. But we appreciate your feedback - I can promise our engineers are working on lots of exciting new inventions, with a pipeline of new technology stretching 25 years into the future. You never know what might come next!

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Userlevel 6
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Hi @fang

The Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer includes a 2.8m (9ft) cable - providing users with plenty of reach between the power socket and mirror, to make drying and styling as easy as possible. It’s engineered to work effectively with the voltage of the country it’s sold in, rather than being specifically optimised for travel between countries. But we appreciate your feedback - I can promise our engineers are working on lots of exciting new inventions, with a pipeline of new technology stretching 25 years into the future. You never know what might come next!

Thanks Jack! I’m specifically looking for travel within the U.S. - not travel internationally, so no worries about the voltage.  Flying domestically is still an issue with the size of the hair dryer. Also - space-wise - hoping it could be a bit smaller with a shorter cord (or a retractable cord).  The long cord is great for hairdressers, but not really necessary for home use. A true domestic travel hair dryer would be fabulous! Thanks for your consideration!