Supersonic Failure | Dyson Community
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My Supersonic dryer has stopped heating and is beyond the 2 year warranty. Dyson customer service directed me to a service center that is 300 miles away and doesn’t return my calls. It is very disappointing to spend so much on a hair dryer that doesn’t last. My past cheap ones have lasted significantly longer. Based on comments from other customers here, this is not unusual so I am not likely to buy another one until their reliability improves. 

Hi ​@Cgotzian,

Welcome to the Dyson Community, and thanks for your feedback.

It's not possible for us to specify an exact lifespan for any product, as this will depend on how each individual machine is used, maintained and stored. However we’d expect it to last for the duration of our free 2-year warranty period, and frequently many years beyond this.

This isn't a situation we'll be able to resolve for you via the Dyson Community. For support, you'll need to continue your ongoing conversation directly with our Customer Care experts.

Please visit and click Support to get in touch with the right Dyson Customer Care team for your region.

We'll look forward to speaking with you!