big + quite rattle noise | Dyson Community
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I have kept my Dyson big + quite air purifier on ever since l bought it and every thing was going well until a couple days ago l started to hear a rattle noise in my Dyson every 5 to 10 seconds l have no idea where it is from and how to solve it

Contact support as its most likely a fault with the motor bucket. 

Hi ​@مريم,

Welcome to the Dyson Community! 

This sounds like an unusual issue, and isn't something we'll be able to troubleshoot via the Dyson Community forum. To help pinpoint the cause we'll need our Customer Care experts to take you through some further troubleshooting checks when you have your Dyson Purifier Big+Quiet™️ Formaldehyde easily to hand. If a replacement part or a repair is needed, they’ll be able to discuss your options with you.

Please visit and click Support to get in touch with the right Dyson Customer Care team for your region.

We'll look forward to speaking with you!