DC40 broken internal flip hoseMy DC40 | Dyson Community
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DC40 broken internal flip hoseMy DC40

  • 7 November 2022
  • 2 replies

My DC40 Vacuum is broken after 7 happy years. It is a seemingly small fault. The internal flip hose - a small hose near the base of the vacuum - has badly split and needs replacement. Replacing hoses is usually simple on Dyson, but not so here. The Youtube is highly complicated. I took it to a repair shop - not Dyson as none near me (DC) - and they were familiar with Dyson repairs. It is only a small tube. They explained that it is highly complicated taking more than 5 times longer than even major repairs to do and not worth the $130 they would charge. They recommended buying a new one. The YouTube video bore it out. I buy Dyson for their longevity. Am really put off replacing with another. Anyone else have this experience or suggestions?It is part 922625-03: a cheap part; it is the labor that is costly.

2 replies

Hello @micksilver,

It looks like the part you’re in need of for your DC40 is the COV hose assembly. I’m not certain which country you’re in, but we do carry this part here in the US market. Any parts that aren’t on our website can still usually be purchased, you’d just need to contact us directly for that. Please get in touch via our local WhatsApp channel, where one of our team will be happy to discuss the next steps. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and start a WhatsApp conversation.

If you'd prefer, you're welcome to call the Dyson Helpline to speak with our experts directly. You can find their number in the ‘Contact us’ section of the page.

Best wishes,

Hi I have replaced those cov hoses , not so bad 
