We update the Dyson Link app regularly, so your machine always performs at its best.
Every release includes improvements, from bug fixes to performance updates and increased reliability.
This update includes:
- A number of copy corrections, which include further on-screen explanation and removal of historic/outdated text.
- Minor copy implemented across:
- Indoor air quality screen.
- Air quality insights screen.
- Minor copy implemented across:

- Further improvements to LWA (Login With Alexa) flow to enable the Dyson Skill.
- User facing bug corrections / fixes.
- Daylight Saving Time
At the time of the Daylight Saving Time change, some users may have seen:
A duplication of their Sunday graph.
- The graph not reflecting the most recent change in hours.
- Heating Control
- Interacting with heating controls on the in-app remote didn’t reflect an onscreen change in temperate.
- Daylight Saving Time