As per the issue described at:
… I’m seeing the MyDyson App fail to provision my Dyson 360 Eye (which I’ve had for years, but am now trying to connect to a new WiFi network following an upgrade):

After this point, I get the same “Slow response”/”Would you like to continue” prompt as in the discussion above, and then the process fails. After that, I have to use the USB reset file in order to make the vacuum discoverable again - until then, the WiFi light only lights very briefly (for a second or less) as the device boots.
*However* I have Unifi networking equipment, and according to the Network Application the vacuum is online and connected to WiFi at all times after booting _and_ I can see the device requesting and being supplied with an IP address in my DHCP logs.
So the device appears to correctly be online from a networking point of view, but its WiFi light is not lit (which suggests a problem on the device rather than in the App?), and the App is unable to complete provisioning.
A little help?