I sent my Dyson in for repair in January under warranty as it’s 10 month old and has broken.
I am horrified to find out that my property has been disposed of without my permission.
Please have this escalated to a higher management team, and let them know I am taking this to trading standards as I have the calls recorded from when I was specifically told I will receive my limited edition air wrap back due to it not being able to be fixed. I declined the offer of a replacement at first until I was told I can have both a replacement and my broken airwrap that didn’t work, at which I said yes as I wanted my limited edition one back but also wanted something I could use. It was bought for me as a 21st birthday present, hence why I want it back. Not only that but I only bought if for the colour, as when you pay upwards of £500 for a hairdryer you want it to be perfect. So the fact Dyson have binned my property that I paid £500 for without my permission is actually illegal, and the ombudsmen will be hearing about it.
Not to mention the 2 year warranty that has been broke now that you have recycled my possession without my permission.
Please have your management listen to the call from last Thursday, that was where the lady dealing with the repair assured me multiple times I would get my item back.