Hi I spoke to a manager on December 20, do my Dyson wasn’t working properly and he agreed to exchange it do I was in the warranty, I sent the machine with the shipping reference that they gave me and ups gave me the label and a box. Dyson confirmed that they received it and signed on December 26th, I called and spoke to an agent and they told me that was received and that they were inspecting it. I called again a few days later and they told me I have to wait 10 to 18 days. Passed the 18 days I called and they said that they have not received the machine !! Like what, they opened a case again and no one called me passed the 72 hours I called again and also went to ups and ups said that they sent it and Dyson signed as receipt! And now they opened another case saying that they did received it but another machine not the same but they can’t give me a description!! And the manager told me that they receipt an empty box that maybe the person on the werehouse misplaced the machine when he received it, so I don’t know what game are they playing at this point ! Now they did open another case and investigation and I haven’t received my replacement or my machine back !! The worst customer service ever been 1 to 2 hours on the phone with no solution for a month !!! Can someone help me on this I just want my machine back or my replacement!! And I won’t buy from Dyson ever again !!!
[Moderation edit - title updated]