Hi, since yesterday when I hoover my carpets, my vacuum cleaner is leaving tramlines on my carpet, created by the ball part dragging across the carpet as you push the vacuum forward. When it is pulled backwards it's OK. This started yesterday. My first carpet was OK, I then moved to a hard floor and adjusted the brush bar as required, then moved back to another carpeted area which is when the tramlines started to appear and the hoover felt a bit different in that you could feel the ball part dragging through the carpet. It's exactly the same carpet throughout the house so was fine just minutes before. I've cleaned all the filters, not that I thought it would make a difference and it didn't. Has anyone got any solutions as to why this is happening? The brushes rotate and deactivate when required. I've contacted Dyson via WhatsApp and sent a video showing the tramlines but the lady just replied saying what damage is it doing to your carpet. It's making tramlines! It didn't previously. I have only had one reply so far so

I'm hoping to hear back again but it's a slow process to get hold of them. My hoover is 2 and a half years old and is still within the 5 year guarantee.