Dyson Zone Absolute+ air-purifying headphones review (non-influencer) | Dyson Community
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Dyson Zone Absolute+ air-purifying headphones review (non-influencer)

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Figured I'd lend my non youtube/social media influencer review on these cans. I bought them with my own bread and I don't have any compensation from Dyson or anyone.

I've had mine closing on two weeks now. My daily cans are AKG N90Q. Those are also big. I've never used apples earphones so can't compare but the dyson is on par with the ANC of the AKGs.

The ear cups feel like marshmallows around your ears and the weight is uniform. They are not heavy to me and I can wear them for longer than an hour with no headaches or neck pain, they don't feel like your head is in a vice.

Battery life is not the greatest when you run the filter on moderate, which is the max setting. Dyson mention this in their documentation so it's not a shock. If no music is playing, you hear a subtle whirrrrrr of the fans when the filter is on low/auto/siting. If you play classical music and you have the filter on the highest setting, you may hear some white noise from the fan. I'm a fan (no pun) of Philip Glass and on some of the songs I tested, in some of the quieter pieces, you can hear some white noise on max. Turning it to auto or "sitting" you dont hear it.

You can charge whilst using the cans so this helps with prolonging battery power. I have a power bank and can plug the cans up and put the power bank in my backpack and that is a viable way for me to keep them charged on the go. My powerbank is also small enough to put in my pocket if I don't want to carry a backpack, but when I'm hiking, I have a backpack so this would be a non issue for me. I've not had to do that but I did set this up to see how I could get on with it.

The air smellllsssss soooooooooo gooooooooooooooddddd !!!!!!!!! :p

I live in LA and the air is not the best here. I've used these cans in many areas in LA. I've had a couple of people stop and ask me what the heck this was, but this is to be expected. I had a couple of people who like to wear masks inquire about the cost, weight of the product.

You can double tap on the side of the cans to enable the ANC or disable it. The visor is easy to put on thanks to the magnets. The visor is not meant to touch your face, so keep a finger length betwixt it and your face. The head band has to be on your head a certain way so the visor covers your mouth and nose properly. Pulling the visor down deactivates the fan and music and amplifies the ambient sounds so you can hear without removing the cans from your head. You can change this so the music still plays but the filter will still shut off.

Sound quality is really good. Again comparing to my AKG N90Qs. The eq is basic and you cant adjust the EQ other than the 3 presets they have in the app. Maybe Dyson will add this in the future? Only having the presets would not prevent me from getting these cans. I think they cover most sound settings the average person would need.

Call quality is fine. I do not sound like I am in a tin cup or underwater. I made a couple of calls to people on different cellular networks (TMO and Verizon) and they had no issues hearing me. You lower the visor to make calls. You do hear some of your voice so you don't feel like you need to yell.

The joystick works fine and is intuitive. It controls volume, changing tracks, enabling your phones assistant. play/pause. it has a quality feel to it when you use it. There is a button on the other can to adjust fan speed on the fly so you don't need to have the app out all the time.

This past Friday, I opened up the Dyson app and there was a firmware update waiting to install. This took about 7 minutes. It tells you on the screen the time it will take. I did not see any update info on what was included and could not find this info immediately on the Dyson site.

The app is interesting. It shows you particulate info that the cans are filtering/sensing and it tells you how loud the ambient sound is around you. It also knows the air quality in. your area. It needs location permission to do this so be aware it knows where you are. I don't really use the app much. I just "set it and forget it". I can use the joystick to adjust the music and sound, and the dedicated fan button to change the fan settings. The app also has a tutorial section with videos to show you how to clean the visor, use the cans, and get the most out of the user interface.

It's a niche product and definitely not for everyone. Dyson knew there is a market for this and it sure is. The Absolute+ version with the extras is still out of stock. The other version that does not come with accessories is avail.

I have read all of the threads I could find on Reddit about these cans, and the overwhelming majority of cats think they are stupid looking, silly and a joke. Fair points--we are all entitled to our opinion. I've had no issues feeling self conscious about wearing these. Here in LA maybe society is more forgiving with things like this, or maybe I just don't spend my time looking around for people to notice.

Im happy to be among the first to get on board with these. I look forward to version 2. The only thing I want right away is longer battery life.

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  • May 8, 2023

Just read this on the Dyson Subreddit. Great to see it here too!

The “The air smellllsssss soooooooooo gooooooooooooooddddd !!!!!!!!! :p” comment is actually a good selling point! Nothing worse the the London Tube air right after my morning coffee! Take note Mr Dyson! 

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  • May 8, 2023

lol you are kind to read it. 

Im not kiddin’, the air is really a good smell. I work in a studio and there is a server room where all the servers and internet equipment, etc is stored. the room is humidity controlled and temp controlled. the air is also very filtered! its like a big dyson headphone! :) the smell is really close to the smell you get from Dyson’s headphones but the air from Dyson is better. ;)

Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
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  • May 9, 2023

Hi @ernables

Thanks for sharing this with us - it’s a great product review! 

To help it stand our even more than it does already, I’ve included the ‘Spotlighted Post’ tag. I’ve also shared a link into it on our Dyson Zone - Unboxing/Review article featured on the Community homepage. 

As even more users get their hands on the headphones, I’m sure well see more reviews like yours’ 😁! 

I look forward to seeing what else you share in the coming days, weeks and months ahead. 



  • Bronze Level Contributor
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  • May 10, 2023

@ernables great read, lots of detail, specifically good to see a call out (no pun intended) to the call quality and weight. The latter has had some criticism. I plan to use mine when commuting, public transport, private taxi etc.. I really don’t see an issue with using these in any scenarios. 

Once you’ve used them longer, I’d like to hear if you’d change any of the comments. 


(Moderation Edit - Format Updated)

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  • May 10, 2023

thank you all for the kind responses.  the product is new and breaks ground in a different way. there has been a lot of hate and knee jerk reactions over the interwebs from people who  dont even have this and just want to poo on it.  its good to see dyson have a community of people who ARE interested in this product and can have more civilized conversations and interactions.

i love this product and use it as much as i can. the weight still has not bothered me in the least. the air still smellls just as good as the day i got them.

  • 0 replies
  • May 15, 2023

I had to wait a little longer to get my hands on a pair! Convincing myself the price point isn’t to high. Reality check, it isn't’! I’m not usually one to get excited about the look and feel of packaging, this one drew me in!! Very exciting to start using these. 



I downloaded the dyson app and we are connected! It was really straightforward to get set up. I am an iOS user and I had to connect the Bluetooth twice. This was fully explained in the connection. Connecting the visor and smelling that fresh air, like stepping into the country side! Very fresh!

App overview/homepage - whatever you want to call it. Very technical but still simplistic and easy to understand. More Equaliser controls in the future would be very welcome! 


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  • May 15, 2023

great review. i agree the eq could use some more options. i suspect Dysons engineers  were more focused on the filtration and ANC part and getting the app to reflect all that data the headphones can produce. I also am sure Dyson will update the app as time goes on. for now, i actually like the bass enhanced curve as it fits with my style of music.

congrats again on your purchase! for me it was not a justified expense but i am an early adopter of gadgets and when I got this email last year to look out for it, i already knew i was going to get it! :)

  • 0 replies
  • May 16, 2023

48-hour Update*

The novelty still hasn’t worn off! I’m actually impressed by the easy of the controls on each ear cup, and I am getting use to the weight. I notice it more in my hand when carrying these around, than I do when they’re on my head. 

Pressing the button on the left ear changes the purification modes. The app let you do this, but I find it so much easier to use the manual control. There’s even the added voice commend once you’ve cycled through to the AUTO setting. I wonder if this voice changes depending on the regional accent? This might be one of those nice to haves for the future! 

The right ear control the audio, using a little tiny joystick. Up/Down, Left/Right and button click. Switching between tracks is easy, skipping forward/backwards or changing it altogether is a nice feature. It even works when using Spotify! 

I give it a strong 9.5/10 rating. With extra features like equalisation controls, I’d give it a 10.

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  • May 16, 2023

good to read you are getting on well with it.

i carry the headset in the hard case that ships with it -- might as well put it to use since i paid for it. :) reminds me of some fancy french purse  m’lady would use whilst on the french riviera. :p 

@Waynesworld - have you seen the firmware update pushed your headset yet? i had one a couple weeks ago. took 7 minutes to install once downloaded. no notes on what the update included though.


Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
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  • May 16, 2023

Hey everyone! 

Great to see this discussion thread is growing - we’re getting some fantastic feedback and suggestions to share with the development and product teams’. Keep these coming through! 

RE: The firmware push. Give me 24-hour and I’ll come back with a response. I’ll touch base with the Dev team tomorrow, and format a reply with what was included 😃!

Speak soon. 


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  • May 16, 2023

thanks stuart for being proactive and upbeat here.

i dont mean to sound rude or angry about the lack of notes on the firmware update! on the contrary, im happy to see one so soon. im sure there are time tables on when dyson wanted to roll this product out and the dev team couldn't get some things fixed before that date -- it happens. 

i have not noticed any differences in functionality but it would be nice to know what was fixed under the hood for us geeks who care… :) 

  • Novice Member
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  • May 17, 2023

I agree with everyones comments that being able to customize the equalizer chart would be cool! I feel like these can get even a little more bass-y. 

On another note, has anyone noticed that the double tap function to enable/disable isolation is kind of finnicky? Is it a touch pad or like a vibration sensor? Perhaps I am double tapping too fast, or weirdly, but on the left cup, I get almost seamless response; whereas, the right cup, I find myself having to double tap numerous times.

Also, sometimes my bluetooth will switch to this “Dyson Zone BLE” instead of “Dyson Zone” and it won’t connect to play any music. This BLE connection point (presumably bluetooth low energy) is also non-editable and non-deletable on iOS. Sometimes it shows up, sometimes it doesn’t. 

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  • May 17, 2023

great points @ztaalman. i have both an ifruit 14 pro max and samsung fold4. i use them interchangeably and id say i use android slightly more than apple. ive not experienced the BLE issue you speak on with ios but i have noticed the double tap on the headphones to be finicky. this was mentioned in one or two reviews i saw on prototype devices. on one hand its great that they are not too sensitive when you are handling the cans, but i feel you do have to find that sweet spot to double tap to get it just right.

perhaps this can be adjusted in software or maybe even a setting on a future software version that allows the sensitivity to be changed. 

Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies
  • May 17, 2023
Stuart wrote:

Hey everyone! 

Great to see this discussion thread is growing - we’re getting some fantastic feedback and suggestions to share with the development and product teams’. Keep these coming through! 

RE: The firmware push. Give me 24-hour and I’ll come back with a response. I’ll touch base with the Dev team tomorrow, and format a reply with what was included 😃!

Speak soon. 


Hey everyone! 

I have news to share regarding the firmware push 😄! 

For stability, there was a minor edit made to the BLE TX power - which resulted in a firmware update for those that had connected their device to the Dyson App. This edit doesn’t negatively impact the operation of the headphone or make changes to the In-App experience. 

The Dev team and I are discussing how best to share release notes for these OTA updates in the future. I’ll start a separate thread once we have something firmed up. 

RE: The double tapping to enable/disable isolation mode, I’ll highlight this to the team and share any comments they have in due course. Thanks for sharing the feedback - do keep it coming 😁!


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  • May 17, 2023

Stuart, thank you for the follow up. much appreciated!


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