Allergy season: Seasonal allergy triggers and prevention tips | Dyson Community
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Allergy season: Seasonal allergy triggers and prevention tips

Allergy season: Seasonal allergy triggers and prevention tips
Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies

Since many people suffer from seasonal allergies, it is important to take allergies seriously and be proactive when it comes to identifying, avoiding, and treating them. 

The first step in relieving allergies and their impact is to understand them so they can be treated effectively.

In this article we look at the common types of allergy triggers, their seasons of activity, share our own prevention tips and explore how understanding allergies can help to reelevate their effects. 


The most common allergy triggers by season:

While spring allergies tend to begin as early as February and last through the summer, warmer temperatures can cause these allergy seasons to last longer. As a result of the warmer temperatures, the trees and grasses pollinate earlier, shifting the time in which they produce spores. The same principle is applied when we experience mild temperatures into late autumn/fall and early winter. And, for those of us who live in warmer climates year-round, you might not experience a season which provides you with respite from these symptoms at all.

The most common seasonal allergy triggers are:

  • Spring: tree pollen, grass pollen, and mould.
  • Summer: grass and weed (especially ragweed) pollen and mould.
  • Autumn/Fall: ragweed, pollen, mould, dust mites.
  • Winter: pet dander, dust mites, mould, indoor irritants, holiday décor.

Depending on where you live and how long your seasons last, you may be exposed to some triggers year-round.


Seasonal allergy triggers include:

If you are avoiding the outdoors during the height of allergy season, steering clear of pet dander, or wearing masks while doing yard work and still suffer from allergy symptoms, even inside the home, it is important to consider other sources of allergy triggers, not just those from outside. These can include:

  • Clothing and shoes brought into the home with pollen, dust, or dander on them;
  • Other indoor allergies from dust mites (which commonly hide in bedding, upholstery, carpets, and even stuffed animals);
  • Cockroach droppings;
  • Smoke from fireplaces and wood burning stoves;
  • Holiday décor including Christmas trees;
  • Fragrances, candles, and other irritants in your home;
  • Cleaning products;
  • Other sources, including associating with others who have pets for example. 


Prevention tips:

It’s important to pay close attention to what your symptoms are and when and where they occur.

Once you’ve identified the source of season allergies, and have a better understanding of their triggers, it’s important to reduce the number of allergies you’re exposed to.

Here are some common ways to help:

  • Keep track of pollen counts and adjust behaviour based on this information. For example, reduce outdoor activities and keep home and car doors closed on high-pollen days.
  • Vacuum your home using a closed-system vacuum cleaner with fully sealed filtration at least once a week.
  • Shower and wash clothing after exposure to allergens so you can avoid both inhaling it all day and tracking it inside your home. Be sure to clean your entryways once a week, especially places where you store outerwear or shoes.
  • Wipe down your pets if they spend time outdoors since they may track in pollen or mould spores on their paws and fur.
  • Wash all linens once a week in warm water.
  • Eliminate or deep clean carpets and rugs in your home. These easily trap microscopic allergens such as dander and dust mites.
  • Invest in air purifier with HEPA and carbon filters, especially in bedrooms.
  • If you are allergic to seasonal pollens and moulds, be sure to protect your eyes and nose while you’re outside with glasses and/or a mask.
  • When dusting your home, consider wearing a mask.
  • Use a damp cloth to trap dust rather than stirring it up with a dry cloth or feather duster.
  • Fit your air conditioning unit and furnace with high-efficiency HEPA filters and be sure to check on them at least once a season to see if they need to be replaced.
  • Mind the moisture in your bathroom and basement, which can easily grow different types of mould. Tiles, shower curtains, and wallpaper all trap moisture and make it easier for mould to grow.


Further information on season allergies, their triggers, relief, treatment and to better understand the effects year around, visit our Allergies webpage, located on the Dyson website.


For an in-depth view at cleaning the most common areas of your home, from the living room, to the staircase and hallways, including carpet, hardwood flooring and which accessories to use, visit our How to: Clean the common areas of your house and Spring cleaning articles. 

If you’d like to share your own tips on spring cleaning, feel free to add these below. Any other tips you’d like to share, please post them in our ‘Tips and tricks’ section on the Community homepage.


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