Dyson Cordless vacuums: Wall Dock Installation Poll | Dyson Community
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Dyson Cordless vacuums: Wall Dock Installation Poll

Dyson Cordless vacuums: Wall Dock Installation Poll
Dyson Community Manager
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies

With the third in the series of our owners polls rolling out, we’re focusing this one on the Wall Dock that comes included with the Dyson Cordless vacuum cleaners.

In my opinion, the dock that comes with the Cordless vacuum cleaners is super simple storage and charging solution - I’ve installed my own and have two of the tools I use regularly attached.  

It’s easy to assume that everyone who has a Wall Dock has installed it, but that might not be the case.

I’m very keen to start focusing our community resource in the creation of more engaging and support related content, including highlighting the instructions for dock installation across the range. 

I’ve love to hear how many of you, that own a Cordless vacuum cleaner have installed the Wall Dock.


I’ve included an ‘Other’ option and left the comments open - if you have anything feedback or use a different storage method, please let me know by leaving a reply or drop us a photo of where you’ve installed yours.

Have you installed the Dock that came with your Dyson Cordless vacuum cleaners?

Did this article help you find an answer to your question?

8 replies

  • 0 replies
  • July 21, 2023

Ohh! Can you please add the V11 to the list of dock videos 😍! x

  • Bronze Level Contributor
  • 105 replies
  • July 24, 2023

Interesting - I’d like to see a V15 dock video please. 

  • 0 replies
  • August 1, 2023

Second the V15 dock please. 

  • Bronze Level Contributor
  • 62 replies
  • August 1, 2023

Had it. Don’t use it. No permission to install in my rented home. 

Dyson Community Manager
  • Author
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies
  • August 22, 2023

And the result is in 😁!

A huge thank you for those that took part - it’s super interesting to see the split between those that had installed the docking station and those that hadn’t - in fact 50% of those that voted indicated they had installed the dock, where the remaining had mixed feedback. This was between those unable to install the dock and those that hadn’t received one at purchase.

One key takeaway here for me is members asking for content showing just how to install the wall and floor docks! I’m currently working on a post that covers this and should have it live early next week 😃!


I’m keen to keep this poll open for the foreseeable future - I’ll check back periodically for more insights. Feel free to keep voting and sharing feedback. 

Thanks everyone!


Dyson Community Manager
  • Author
  • Stuart - Dyson
  • 549 replies
  • August 31, 2023

Hi everyone, 

As promised, I’ve posted an article covering the installation of the wall and floor docks for the Dyson Cordless range, including the Gen5, V15, V12, Omni-Glide, V11, V10 and V8 models - Dyson Cordless vacuums: Setting up the docking station.

Do let me know if there is a model you’d like to see included. 



  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • December 20, 2023

Have it for an absolute v6s05.  Good and easy to use, except I understand there may be different variants of the dock for different models and vintages.  Product development is hopeless if it entails needless redundancy…… just points the customer to competing products

  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • December 30, 2023

I have a Dyson V15 Detect and set up the wall mount. Now that I want to move the charging wall mount I see that it is impossible to remove without breaking. There is a video on how to separate the wall plate from the charging mount using 2 spoons. This will only work if it has NOT been mounted to the wall as you cannot get 2 spoons into the wall plate when it is screwed to the wall. Unless there is a secret way then this wall mount is poorly designed unlike previous wall mounts. I feel a wall mount is essential for a vacuum cleaner like this both for storage and practicality. DISAPPOINTED!


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