I once bought a Dyson, a V8, oh so grand,
I thought I was special with that wand in my hand.
It cleaned and it shined, it sucked up the dirt,
I danced as I vacuumed, in my clean, spotless shirt.
But one fateful day, oh what a shock!
My Dyson stopped working, it just wouldn’t unlock.
"No suction!" I cried, with a frown on my face,
My friends all exclaimed, "What a terrible case!"
"It's out of warranty," they said with a shrug,
"You’ll have to replace it, just give it a tug."
But I stood tall and said, "No, I will fight,
For Dyson, they’ll help me, they’ll make it all right."
So off I went, on a quest to repair,
I called and I emailed, with little to spare.
They told me to buy parts, which I did with great haste,
But nothing I tried would revive its strong taste.
I watched every video, I tried every trick,
But my Dyson stayed silent, my heart felt so sick.
Hours on hold, I started to break,
Where once I felt special, now just an ache.
I pleaded for help on the forums one day,
And soon a knight appeared, oh what could he say?
"Send me your info, I’ll see what I can do,"
I sent it so quickly, my hope started to brew.
Then came a call from a place far away,
A Dyson rep said, "We’ve heard what you say.
Let’s run some more tests, we’ll figure it out,
Your vortex is faulty, without a doubt."
"But what of the cost?" I asked with a sigh,
"The warranty’s expired, I’ll just have to buy."
But he smiled and said, "Oh, no need to fear,
As a first-time buyer, we’ll send it—no charge, dear."
He said it for free, I couldn’t believe,
I asked him again, "You’re not trying to deceive?"
But he laughed and he said, "We want you to be glad,
With your Dyson in hand, you’ll never feel sad."
So now my V8, it cleans once again,
And I dance as I vacuum, my old trusty friend.
Dyson stood by me, they answered my call,
And once more I feel special, the happiest of all.