Viewing your robot's recent activity | Dyson Community
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Once your machine is connected, navigate to the home-screen and select the ‘Robot activity’ icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. This is symbolised by a directional pattern with a small figure of the robot at the end.

An overview of the last 5 cleans carried out by your robot are displayed. Navigate through each day’s activity map by swiping left and right.

The activity map shows:

  1. The day the clean took place
  2. The overall cleaning times
  3. The number of charges in the clean
  4. The total area covered in the clean
  5. The location of the dock, which is symbolised by a thunder bolt

Area covered in the clean will be represented by a lighter colour on the map.

Notification and alerts are shown as orange icon. 

Only the last 5 cleans are stored, and the map will only be stored if the clean completes.

The robot will only update this In-App page once it has completed the cleaning and returned to the dock.


If you’ve not yet connected your machine to the Dyson App, please refer to our Connecting your robot to the App article.

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