can i get notifications about air quality from my air purifier and heater? | Dyson Community
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The monitor is good but I only remember to look at it every now and then, missing periods of bad air where I could have acted, opened a window or something like that.  Wouldn’t it make sense for a notification to be sent if the air got really bad?  Does this exist?  It can certainly notify me when the filters want replacing so it doesn’t seem out of the question.

Hi @Yeknomyeknom thanks for creating this topic.

It’s a great suggestion and whilst it isn't something that currently exists, our teams do regularly review and prioritise suggestions ahead of each software release and development phase. And with each release, we aim to fulfil some of the requests that are made.

I will highlight this topic with our development team in the next planning increment and by doing so, it will be used to support us to continually developing exciting technology for future connected machines.

For the meantime, if you are concerned about your machine not reacting to changes in the local environment / bad air, can I suggest setting your machine to auto.

The machine’s airflow speed will increase until the target air quality has been reached. This way your purifier won't be constantly running and reach to changes in the local environment.

To read more about the Auto mode, click on our Using Auto mode article.



Yes please I would love notifications as an option.
