Dyson TP02 reading out the box - 0 deg F and 0% humidity | Dyson Community
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My Dyson TP02 reading 0 deg F and 0% humidity out of box. I'm suspicious that none of the sensors are working since they are all reading flat lines. 

Is there a way to reset the device?


(Moderation Edit - Tags Added/Updated Title/Category Updated)

Alright @Marshafay.

Did the reading showing after an hour? There’s an hour delay on the TP02 reporting data. 

If not, a reset might solve it. I know this has worked for others - there’s an article with some instructions on the process. 'Power Cycling/Restarting' your air treatment machine.


Resetting the machine seems to have fixed the issue! Temperature and humidity are now reading and I'll make sure I get some variation on the other readings over time but feeling optimistic.


Thanks for the help!
