New product suggestion - Lighted Head Piece | Dyson Community
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Dyson says it is relentlessly engineered so i would like them to have an upgrade spare part that would either attach to  or replace the head of the vac that had a light on it. My Kirby vacs always had a light on them that would really show the floor when it was in shadow from overhead or window lighting, even my old Hoover had a lilght. I challenge the engineers at Dyson to come up with an affordable, durable , upgrade or option to take away this defect in optimal performance to an otherwise exceptional product.

Hi @JCP,

We always love to hear feedback on our technology from Dyson owners, but we do have to be very careful looking at product suggestions submitted from outside our organisation. This could lead to misunderstandings, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate we have to be very cautious, especially in terms of intellectual property.  

We have a 6,000-strong global engineering team busy developing a pipeline of new Dyson technology stretching 25 years into the future. We can't reveal anything they might be working on until we're ready to launch, but the Dyson Community is a great place to stay up to date with our latest news! If you’ve not already done so, I’d suggest subscribing to our Community news and information. Just hit the ‘Follow’ button on the page. 




    Instead of the canned response how about just saying great idea we will look into it.


regards,  jcp

I’ll say it, as I doubt Dyson can acknowledge it in any way past what they’ve said above! Great idea… 😁

They won’t be able to take your idea and run with it. IP concerns etc. If you had an app suggestion or feature request then they can look at feeding it back (I’ve seen Stuart do this before). Any new product/device is a NO. Great idea. Have you considered looking on a 3D printing platform, there might be a similar design on there? 

Spencer if they have a 6,000 member engineering team and have not thought of this then they need about 5900 new engineers. Once corporate becomes inflexible and unresponsive then the ability to innovate is out the window . not judging just saying. when the dyson guy ysed to be on the commercials he made it seem like better was the driving force, maybe not any more or it is just more marketing ploys.

