Purifier Heater - Oscillation disabled | Dyson Community
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Purifier Heater - Oscillation disabled

  • 28 August 2022
  • 10 replies

Have had my machine for a little over a month now. It was purchased brand new at my local Best Buy. That being said, this has happened randomly about the 4th time now. The Dyson app will report with a red ! mark oscillation disabled. I go in my room to take a look and sure enough, the fan has stopped oscillating. Per the app. I use my remote and hit the oscillating button and it starts working again. What is causing this issue? I am still in my return period and wonder if this is an early failure warning to come? I use the oscillation breeze mode exclusively with this machine on 24/7. 

Does the fan touch anything as it is oscillating?  My fan was hitting against a shelf and got this message.  I repositioned and straightened it and the message hasn't returned. 

Nothing is around or near the fan. It’s completely isolated by itself free of any obstructions.

Hi @Brent1980 

Whenever there’s been a hint at a fault, it’s always been recommended to me to preform a restart.

I’m not saying this will solve it, but there could very well be an issue that could simply be solved by turning it off and on again.. 

I suggest monitor it for 24-48 hours and if it’s still an issue, I’d go down the product fault route.. 


Hey @Brent1980 

If you find that the issue does not resolve after performing a power cycle/restart on your PH04, please get in touch via our WhatsApp channel and one of our team will be happy to discuss the next steps. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and select ‘Start a WhatsApp conversation’.


Best wishes.

I have turned off the unit and turned it back on. I have also unplugged it and plugged it back in. Like I mentioned before, it can be fine for days on end. Even a week or two. Maybe even longer and it will randomly just stop oscillating. My previous unit it never done it once. I had to return that one for a different issue. If this is possibly a fault and I have to return this one. I won’t be pleased. This would be my fourth unit. The very first one I got was DOA out of the box. These are all retail brand new units purchased at my local Best Buy. I don’t know what to do at this point. Could it be a recent firmware update bug? App bug?

Hi @Brent1980,

I’m curious if the previous units had the same issue or if there was something else going on? Also curious; have you tested the control of the machine's oscillation with both the remote control from your PH04, as well as via the App controls? That can better point is in the right direction of a proper resolution for this. It would seem if there were an issue with the App, other controls would also be affected, and not just affect your machine's oscillation.

First unit DOA. Second unit had crunching/grinding noise opening/closing from the back for air. Now this unit with the oscillation issue some times. Honestly, I don’t even use the remote hardly ever and use the app exclusively. All the controls work fine using the app. It’s just when it decides to randomly stop oscillating with that error in the app. No pattern, just does it when it wants to. Remote controls have always worked fine to when I do need to use it. 

Hey @Brent1980 - I’d received the same exact notification on Sunday, with nothing visually wrong on the machine. 

I called the local HL, spoken to a Connection Expert. They checked the software version, had me restart it, asked about WiFi outages and check if it faulted as part of a schedule. As there was nothing visually wrong with the machine and the software was running on the latest version, they suggested it was sent in error, also highlighting an app release due this week. 

I say this because, as it’s something that happens on occasion, the App release may solve it… 

I hope this helps. 

I also wanted to add, mine will also make a noise that sounds like a cicada. It’s goes away and then comes back. Stops, rinse and repeat. My last unit, it done the same thing and I am reading others have this issue. This unit is much louder though with the noise then the last. It’s highly annoying to hear it when it’s happening. Dyson is doing nothing to fix this issue? If I take back this unit AGAIN. This would be my third return and I am afraid the next unit will do the exact same thing. Let alone, if the retailer would even let me exchange it for another unit. I’m still in my return period. 

Hi @Brent1980, if you haven’t yet reached out to us for assistance, we’d again invite you to please get in touch via our WhatsApp channel and one of our team will be happy to discuss the next steps. To do this, simply click on our Guides and manuals link, navigate to the ‘Contact us’ section of the page and select ‘Start a WhatsApp conversation’.  We look forward to assisting!