Hi, I’m on my second 360 vis and I’ve done a lot of homework/troubleshooting regarding the lift sensor false errors. I’ve already adjusted the lift sensitivity to lowest setting, cleaned sensors multiple times and unfortunately I’m still having an issue with floor vents and multicolored area rugs.
It’d be nice if we had a software update that could minimize these false lift alarms. It’s kinda hard to put a restricted area around every floor vent within the house. II’m experimenting with modifying the floor vent covers with some carbon filters to help mitigate this issue. However, I currently don’t have a fix for the multi colored area rug false lift alarms.
other than the false alarms, the Vis does a very good job of cleaning the area. Some software tweaks and some app upgrades pertaining to voice control capabilities would be nice. More specifically, assigning routines for cleaning specific zones, being able to reset a false lift sensor alarm remotely etc.