Here is a pic of my serial number. Please tell me which model I have so I can order a part. Thank you so much!
[Moderation edit - personal information removed]
Here is a pic of my serial number. Please tell me which model I have so I can order a part. Thank you so much!
[Moderation edit - personal information removed]
Welcome to the Dyson Community!
From your serial number, I can see the machine you own is the Dyson Gen5outsize vacuum.
You can find replacement parts for this model here.
Hope this helps - please note I’ve removed the image of your serial number to keep your details private.
How can I tell which model cordless vacuum I have? I have tried doing a search using the word Dyson and what appears to be my model number and it pulls up tons of hits with every model imaginable. I need to order a part so I need to have this information.
I didn’t include the model number of any photos as I know you’ll just have to remove them.
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